[Abstract]:Law and economics originated in the United States in the 1960s. It is a new subject with strong development advantages and is formed by the integration of law and economics. It can be regarded as a branch of law or as a branch of economics. The core of its theory is that all legal activities, including all legislative and judicial activities, as well as the legal system as a whole, play a role in the allocation of scarce resources, so that all legal activities can be analysed and guided by economic methods. All should take the resources effective disposition and the reasonable utilization, namely the efficiency maximizes as the goal. Because legal economics is still in the process of rapid development, at present it can only be defined in a more preliminary way: it uses the methods and theories of economics, mainly microeconomics, and the use of welfare economics. The study of public choice theory and other empirical and normative methods to study the formation, structure, process, effect, efficiency and future development of law and legal system. Since relying on economics, qualitative and abstract analysis of law began to have the function of quantitative analysis. This is particularly important to civil and commercial law, which will be more just in dealing with issues involving the distribution of interests, and its spirit of advocating equality and freedom, family ethics, efficiency first and giving consideration to equity will be better reflected. In the course of establishing a market economy and a society ruled by law, China is bound to rely on the help of the new discipline of law and economics, and the development of legal economics in China also depends on the maturity of the economic society. The cultivation of the spirit of rule of law and the progress of the whole society. From a relatively unique perspective, this paper begins with three legal books, Posner and Dworkin, "the death of contract", "contract Regeneration" and "the Theory of New Social contract". This paper discusses the development advantage of law economics, which is accepted and popularized as an interdisciplinary subject, which is given by the powerful force of economics. Then it discusses the advantages of law and economics in solving specific problems with some practical and designed cases. These cases involve tort, family, business and society, social law provisions on compensation, and the relationship between public policy and business and the economy. It can be found that the analytical method of legal economics can give us an intuitive new perspective to solve problems flexibly and dialectically according to the actual situation, and urge legislators to consider all aspects when making laws. At the same time, related measures and systems are formulated to ensure the effect and benefit of law; to provide new ideas for solving complicated and difficult cases; to objectively evaluate the impact of policies and regulations on economic life. Although law and economics have many advantages and are very important to the construction of rule of law, there are still some problems in its development in China. These problems are mainly related to the level and depth of theoretical research in domestic legal circles, the level of development of economics and the unsolved problems of law and economics, such as the relationship between efficiency and justice, and the present situation of economic system. The obstruction of departmental interest and the understanding of decision-making level have very big relation. For the better.
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