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发布时间:2018-07-26 16:17
[Abstract]:Article 52, paragraph 5, of the contract Law contains such a provision that "in violation of the law, the mandatory invalidation of administrative regulations", this provision is actually called "illegal invalidity" in the theoretical world, essentially speaking, "illegal invalidity" is related to the security of market transactions, on the other hand, it is related to the maintenance of the validity of civil and commercial contracts. In particular, Article 14 of the Supreme people's Court on the interpretation of certain issues concerning the Application of the contract Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "Judicial interpretation of contract Law II") makes Article 52 (5) of the contract Law mandatory. Matters related to sexual provisions shall be interpreted as "mandatory provisions of validity". On this level, "this means that both academic and judicial practice will be faced with some problems of interpretation, and mandatory provisions on the effectiveness and management of the relevant provisions, It also caused a series of chain reactions in practice "(1). The original intention of the regulatory norm is to punish the relevant act of violating the regulations, but in fact, it can not deny the civil effect of the act in civil and commercial law. The criterion of validity refers to the fact that the violation of this kind of stipulation will lead to the occurrence of invalid contract. On this basis, only when the mandatory norm of validity is violated can the situation of invalidity of contract appear. From the above, we can see that it is a complicated and abstract proposition in judicial practice to judge the mandatory provisions of the validity of contracts. More importantly, it is necessary to sort out the relationship between the mandatory norms and the validity of the contracts, so far, There is no really strict, unified standard of judgment, so the related recognition is often disputed. This paper attempts to explore the relationship between the mandatory norms and the validity of the contract through the study of the peremptory norms.


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