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发布时间:2018-07-31 19:44
【摘要】: 海事留置制度,即海事留置权制度,是一项重要的海事法律制度,也是海事物权担保制度之一。然而,我国的海事留置制度尚处于发展和完善阶段。鉴此,本文对我国的海事留置制度的现状进行了系统地总结,,并根据民法留置担保的原理,针对海事法律关系的特点,在以下几个方面对海事留置制度进行了较详细地研究分析:海事留置制度与普通民事留置制度及其他物权担保制度的关系;海事留置权的法律属性;海事留置权成立的条件;海事留置权行使的程序;海事留置权人的义务;海事留置权的消灭等。 本文提出:海事留置制度是一种有别普通民事留置制度的相对独立的特别留置制度,是海商法的重要内容,应当由专门的立法予以规定;海事留置权的法定性在于海事留置权依法定条件成立,依法定程序行使,并依法定的事由消灭;海事留置制度,作为一种物权担保制度,对海事债权而言应当具有普通的适用性,而不应当仅适用于《海商法》现有的规定范围;本文主张摒弃海事留置财产必须为相对债务人所有的限制,同时又主张对海事留置财产的范围予以符合公序良俗的限制;海事留置权是一种法定的担保物权,而非债权,得依法对抗第三人;在法院、国家行政机关对留置财产实行处置时,善意的海事留置权人的权利应当予以适当的保护。 总之,建立和完善海事留置制度,既是海上经济发展的客观需要,也是海事法制建设的必然要求。
[Abstract]:Maritime lien system, namely maritime lien system, is an important maritime legal system and one of maritime security system. However, China's maritime lien system is still in the stage of development and improvement. In view of this, this paper systematically summarizes the present situation of maritime lien system in China, and according to the principle of civil law lien guarantee, according to the characteristics of maritime legal relations, In the following aspects, the maritime lien system is studied and analyzed in detail: the relationship between maritime lien system, ordinary civil lien system and other security systems, the legal attributes of maritime lien, the conditions for the establishment of maritime lien; The procedure for the exercise of maritime lien; the obligations of maritime lien; the elimination of maritime lien. This paper points out that maritime lien system is a relatively independent special lien system which is different from ordinary civil lien system and is an important content of maritime law and should be stipulated by special legislation. The legal nature of maritime lien lies in that maritime lien is established in accordance with legal conditions, exercised in accordance with legal procedures and eliminated by statutory reasons. Maritime claims should be generally applicable, not only to the existing provisions of the Maritime Law. This paper argues that the maritime lien property must be all the restrictions relative to the debtor. At the same time, it advocates that the scope of maritime lien be in line with the public order and good custom; that maritime lien is a legal security interest, not a creditor's right, and that it may face a third party in accordance with the law; in the court, The rights of bona fide maritime lien owners should be properly protected when the state administrative organs dispose of the lien property. In short, the establishment and improvement of maritime lien system is not only the objective need of maritime economic development, but also the inevitable requirement of maritime legal construction.


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