[Abstract]:As a special legal system of maritime law, maritime lien is given special protection to some statutory maritime claims on the basis of social, economic and humanitarian reasons, or on the basis of public welfare, common interests and the principle of equity. The object of maritime lien, that is, the property allowed to establish maritime lien in maritime law, is the property in which the maritime lien holder (the legal creditor of maritime affairs) may claim his priority of repayment. Whether the object of maritime lien is perfected or not involves not only the degree of protection of the interests of the maritime lien, but also the extent to which the interests of the mortgagee, the lien and other general creditors can be repaid.
As the damage guaranteed by maritime lien is caused by specific maritime property and only those particular maritime property can benefit from it, the compensation should be borne by these particular maritime property and be limited to this extent. However, what are the specific maritime property involved? Not only the maritime law of each country (region) can do so. There are certain differences in the stipulations, and the provisions of the three international conventions are also inconsistent.
The object of maritime lien is well defined in the 1926 Convention, including the vessel, freight, and the subsidiary interests of the vessel. Both the 1967 Convention and the 1993 Convention limit the object of maritime lien to the vessel. However, they all face the embarrassment of being a party to the Convention. Limiting maritime lien to improve the status of mortgagee of ship not only weakens the public interest purpose based on the establishment of maritime lien to a great extent, but also contradicts the diversified demands of various countries on maritime lien system.
In addition, comparing the laws of some major maritime countries in the two legal systems, although the provisions on the object of maritime lien vary greatly from country to country (region) due to different political, economic and cultural backgrounds, most of them recognize ships, freight, transfer price, damages, and even cargo on board. Common interests have different contents in different countries. Each country (region) hopes to form its own system of maritime lien based on its own needs. If the object of maritime lien is not limited to the ship, it fully reflects the respect of each country (region) for the purpose of establishing maritime lien.
Although the object of maritime lien is limited to ship in China's Maritime Law, it is consistent with the latest international conventions, but the narrowness of the object of maritime lien does not conform to the legislative purpose of the priority system, weakening the rationality of the priority to protect the mortgage. In practice, it is contrary to the common practice of many countries, and in theory, it is similar to some of China's. The maritime law is to serve the actual needs of China's shipping economy. Therefore, its amendment should give priority to localization. For a long time, China will continue to be a major exporter rather than a shipping power. In addition, the object of maritime lien is the ultimate orientation of the maritime lien system to the priority protection of special creditors. Only by perfecting its legislation can we truly ensure the essential content of public interests in this field. Therefore, we should expand the ship reasonably. The object scope of maritime priority is to better serve the maritime business of our country.
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