[Abstract]:Maritime accidents are the natural enemies of human activities on the sea, which bring great threat and destruction to human life and property, and even cause serious pollution to the marine environment in some marine accidents. In order to cope with maritime accidents, people have been exploring the rescue of maritime accidents, and gradually formed a unified system of rescue based on the principle of "no effect, no remuneration" on a voluntary basis. The impact is also changing, the human yearning for a better life, the adjustment of government functions from the regulatory type to the service type, all of which urgently need the public powers such as maritime administrative departments to intervene in the maritime rescue. The duty of organization, coordination and participation is required. The intervention of maritime administrative departments in maritime salvage is irreplaceable for improving the success rate and efficiency of salvage. On the one hand, the marine management pattern of "water control in Kowloon" makes the responsibilities of marine salvage scattered among the administrative departments, so that the maritime administrative departments can play their role in marine salvage. On the other hand, in addition to the salvage acts performed by the maritime administrative departments themselves, there are specific administrative acts such as administrative compulsion. The third aspect is the determination of the right of claim for remuneration of salvage by the law of our country. Because of the lack of specific standards for determining the right of claim and the standard for determining the amount of remuneration, it objectively provides the possibility for the maritime administrative department to make excessive profits in salvage. This article consists of five chapters. Chapter one is mainly about the introduction of the traditional maritime salvage system, and clarifies the elements of the establishment of the traditional maritime salvage, as well as the possible legal relationship, mainly for the follow-up chapters. The second chapter mainly introduces the necessity and legal basis of salvage in maritime administration, and extracts the legal characteristics of salvage in maritime administration by comparing with traditional salvage. The third chapter mainly combines the requirements of traditional salvage system and administrative law to carry out the rights and obligations of salvage in maritime administration. The fourth chapter focuses on the establishment of the traditional maritime salvage remuneration claim, classifies and analyzes the maritime salvage remuneration claim in maritime administration, and puts forward the maritime salvage remuneration claim. In the fifth chapter, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to establish a new maritime salvage system according to the existing problems in the system and legal system of maritime salvage in China. The main points of the article.
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