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发布时间:2018-09-12 07:14
【摘要】: 本文通过纵向的历史考察与横向的各法域比较研究相结合,并在从理论方面对诚实信用原则的功能、适用机理进行分析的同时,综合当前我国民事诉讼司法实践中的状况,运用功能分析与实证分析等方法,对我国民事诉讼中诚实信用原则的确立与适用问题作了探讨。诚实信用原则,作为在民商法领域当事人行使权利、履行义务所要遵循的一项重要原则,是一个君临几乎世界各国民法典的“帝王条款”。随着新型协同主义诉讼模式的诞生,及诉讼理念的变革,各国民诉法中亦开始纷纷引进诚实信用原则。针对当前我国民事诉讼实践中,存在着的当事人诉讼权滥用等现象的泛滥,加之,为在增强法官司法能动性的同时,对其自由裁量权加以约束。总之,对在我国民事诉讼中诚实信用原则的确立及具体适用的探讨,就具有着重要的理论价值与现实意义。本文除引言与结语外,共有四个部分。 第一章比较道德规范中的诚信与法律规范中的诚信的区别,指出两者在内涵与评判标准方面的不同,为下文详细论述诚信的道德法律化进程作下铺垫。同时,从功能,规范的主体、客体、危害后果等方面对实体法上的诚信和诉讼法上诚信作出了比较。 第二章通过对学界一些著名学者的观点进行梳理总结,详细阐述了支持与反对在民事诉讼中确立诚实信用原则的两派专家各自的理由与见解,对在民事诉讼中确立诚实信用原则的争论焦点进行深刻剖析,从正反两方面分别论证了在民事诉讼中引入诚实信用原则的利弊,进而为下文的论述作下理论基础。 第三章分析诚实信用原则自身所具有的独特的功能与价值,提出鉴于随着我国民事司法审判制度改革的推进,当事人之间对抗性程度的日趋激烈,实践中法官滥用自由裁量权、当事人滥用诉权的现象多有发生。无论对当事人权利、还是对法官权力的制约与限制,不能仅仅依靠现有的民事诉讼规则与时下并不发达的制约防范机制,而必须借助于诚实信用原则来完成。同时,从实体法与诉讼法的相互弥补和既判力的维护上来看,诚实信用原则在我国民事诉讼中的确立不仅是可以而且是应该的,进而指出诚实信用原则实是对现有民事诉讼法基本原则体系的必要补充,和其他原则一起构成了一个协调、完整的体系。 第四章对如何在我国民事诉讼中具体适用诚实信用原则提出一些构想。首先,论证诚实信用原则在民事诉讼中应规范的主体范围,对各主体有违诚实信用原则的行为作了类型化的划分。主要阐述了对当事人诉讼行为的制约、对其它诉讼参与人,尤其是证人的制约、对法官的具体适用等。并且针对对各主体的适用形态,从预防与制裁两方面提出了一些具体化的立法建议。
[Abstract]:This paper combines the longitudinal historical investigation with the horizontal comparative study of various jurisdictions, and analyzes the function and applicable mechanism of the principle of good faith in theory, and at the same time synthesizes the current situation in the judicial practice of civil litigation in our country. By means of functional analysis and empirical analysis, this paper discusses the establishment and application of the principle of good faith in civil litigation in China. The principle of good faith, as an important principle to be followed by the parties in the field of civil and commercial law to exercise their rights and perform their obligations, is a monarch clause in the civil code of almost every country in the world. With the birth of the new synergetic litigation mode and the reform of litigation idea, the principle of good faith has been introduced into the civil litigation law of various countries. Aiming at the abuse of litigant's right of action in the current civil litigation practice of our country, in addition, in order to strengthen the judicial initiative of the judge, the discretionary power of the judge should be restricted at the same time. In short, it has important theoretical value and practical significance to establish the principle of good faith and its concrete application in civil litigation in our country. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, there are four parts. The first chapter compares the differences between honesty and credit in moral norms and legal norms, points out the differences between them in terms of connotation and evaluation standards, and lays the groundwork for the following detailed discussion on the process of moral legalization of good faith. At the same time, the author compares the honesty in substantive law with the good faith in procedural law from the aspects of function, normative subject, object, harm consequence and so on. The second chapter summarizes the views of some famous scholars in the academic field, and elaborates the reasons and opinions of the two groups of experts who support and oppose the establishment of the principle of good faith in civil litigation. This paper makes a deep analysis of the dispute focus on the establishment of the principle of good faith in civil litigation, demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of introducing the principle of good faith in civil action from the positive and negative aspects, and then makes a theoretical basis for the following discussion. The third chapter analyzes the unique function and value of the principle of good faith and puts forward that in view of the development of the civil judicial system reform and the increasingly fierce degree of adversarial between the parties, judges abuse the discretion in practice. The phenomenon of litigant abusing the right of action often occurs. Whether on the rights of the parties or on the power of the judge restrictions and limitations, can not only rely on the existing rules of civil proceedings and the current undeveloped restraint and prevention mechanism, but must rely on the principle of good faith to complete. At the same time, from the point of view of the mutual compensation between substantive law and procedural law and the maintenance of res judicata, the establishment of the principle of good faith in civil litigation is not only possible but also necessary. Furthermore, it points out that the principle of good faith is a necessary supplement to the basic principle system of the existing civil procedure law, and constitutes a coordinated and complete system together with other principles. Chapter four puts forward some ideas on how to apply the principle of good faith in civil litigation in China. First of all, it demonstrates the scope of the principle of good faith in civil action, and classifies the behavior of the principal body which is contrary to the principle of good faith. This paper mainly expounds the restriction on the litigant's action, the restriction on other litigant participants, especially the witness, and the concrete application to the judge, etc. Some specific legislative suggestions are put forward from two aspects of prevention and sanction.


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