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发布时间:2018-09-14 08:15
【摘要】:保险保证制度,是被保险人凭此承担做或不做某些特定的事情、履行某项条件的义务、肯定或否定某些事实情况的存在的一种制度安排。保证作为一项法律制度,在实际运用中具体体现为保险合同中的保证条款,两者表现形式不同,本质上一致(为了行文方便,如无特殊说明,文中的“保险保证”是对保证制度和保证条款的统称,正文中将对二者的关系进行说明) 保证制度产生于17世纪的英国海上保险活动,并由英国《1906年海上保险法》加以明确规定而成为正式的法律用语,该制度又逐渐发展到非海上保险中。按照不同的标准,保险保证可以分为海上保险保证和非海上保险保证、确认性保证和承诺性保证以及明示保证和默示保证。为了更好地理解保证的含义,应该注意辨别保险保证与担保法中的保证、保证保险、告知、陈述、除外责任等名词之间的区别与联系。关于保证的性质,有的学者将其列入与基本条款相对的特约条款,也有的学者认为它是保险合同成立的基础条款,但都承认它是最大诚信原则的重要内容。保证的特征归纳起来有三点:一,保证必须是书面的;二,保证不必具有重要性;三,保证必须严格履行——其中又以严格履行这一特点最为突出。保险保证对平衡投保双方的信息不对称、保护保险人的利益具有重要的作用,但在其发展过程中却染上了不可忽视的瑕疵,尤其是保证的严格履行原则受到极大的质责。 我国的保险保证制度一直处于十分尴尬的境地。能够明确读到“保险保证”字眼的规定仅见于1992年颁布的《中华人民共和国海商法》第235条,但规范普通保险活动的《保险法》中却缺失了保证制度,既没有关于保险保证的定义、内容、性质的描述,也没有对违反保证的后果作出任何规定。有的学者认为《保险法》第51条可以视作“保证”,因其实质上规定了被保险人在合同履行过程中必须遵守的相关义务,但大多数学者并不认同这一观点。我国保险监督管理委员会(下文简称保监会)等监管机构出台的一系列法律法规中也出现了类似保险保证的规定,如2000年保监会制定颁布的《机动车辆保险条款》第24条到第29条,要求机动车所有者对车辆进行合理维护管理、从事合法运输。司法审判机关也对保险保证做了相关规定。 在保险实务中,由于保证制度的缺位使得我国保险合同保证条款出现了极大的适用困惑。海上保险业务运作不规范、海上保险赔付率和保险费率较高的严峻现状与我国未能较好地实施保险保证制度密切有关。保险公司纷纷通过提高费率、增加保费来弥补损失,但是这对于那些勤于管理、恪尽义务的优质投保人来说却造成了极大的不公平,久而久之他们便对国内保险公司失去信心转而投向外国保险公司,致使国内保险业务外流。非海上保险也由于保证制度及条款的缺失等原因导致保险欺诈案件频发,保险公司由此产生的赔款不断增加,保险欺诈案件占总赔付案件的比例和保险欺诈赔款占总赔付的比例都在逐年上升。从这些现象可以看出保险保证条款适用的某些情形在我国现行法律体系下存在着无法可依的情况,由于海商事与一般民商事之间存在很大的差异,一般的保险商事活动不可能适用《海商法》,但是我国《保险法》本身又未对保证制度做任何规定。司法实践中我国《关于审理保险纠纷案件若干问题的解释(征求意见稿)》提出了对保险保证条款的一些规定,但在征求各方意见后,也因为各种原因没有得到颁布。 我国保证制度及条款缺失的根本原因在于保证制度的严苛性——具体体现为保证的内容不必具有重大性、违反保证不可抗辩、违反保证无法补救,在使用中人们对保证制度产生了严重的误读,导致一系列滥用保证条款的情况发生,因此人们常常对保证制度及条款报以一种恐惧的心态。同时,我国民商事法律制度尚欠完备,明确提及保证二字的仅限于《海商法》第235条关于违反保证的后果和第244条关于船舶适航性的规定。这些规定都是借鉴英国《1906年海上保险法》制定的,然而我国现行立法承袭的是大陆法系,有别于英美法系法律传统。在普通保险中保证更加难觅踪影了,同时也缺乏对保证制度及条款进行监督和限制的法律规定。 因此,基于以上原因本文尝试研究我国保险保证制度及条款的缺失现状,通过中外保证制度与条款的比较分析,提出健全与完善我国保险保证的思路,就凸显出了重要的理论价值和现实意义。 本文包括五章共六部分内容: 导论部分介绍了本文的选题背景及研究意义,对该论题的国内外研究现状进行了综述,归纳了本文的研究方法和研究内容,同时指出了本文可能存在的创新与不足。 第一章研究保险保证的一般理论,包括保证的定义、分类、起源与发展、保证与相关名词的辨析、保险保证的性质和特点。 第二章从理论和实务两个角度分析我国保险保证制度及条款的现状和存在的缺陷,还以保证为核心分别列举了一则海上保险案例和非海上保险案例,以说明保证的重要性及违反保证的严重后果。 第三章着重分析我国保险保证制度及条款缺失的原因,指出保证本身的“严苛性”及我国法律制度的不完备是造成保证制度及条款缺失的主要原因。 第四章分析了国内外保险保证制度及条款,包括美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等发达国家与地区同我国保险保证制度及条款的比较。 第五章从立法、监管、实务、教育、行业协会等方面提出健全和完善我国保险保证制度及条款的建议。 本文可能的创新点在于:“小题大做”及研究内容、方法上的尝试。由于《中国保险保证制度及条款的缺失与完善》这一选题范围较小,国内现有的文献资料比较少,而且集中在对保证的理论研究上,因此写作起来比较困难,容易“人云亦云”。经过广泛查找资料、研读文献,本文最终找到了突破口,以案例分析的形式较为深入地分析了保证制度及条款在我国缺失的原因及缺失的危害,以比较分析的方式研究了中外保证制度及条款的发展情况,并在此基础上提出了健全与完善我国保险保证制度及条款的建议,从而实现“小题大做”。同时,现有文献一般止步于讨论保证制度的特点,而没有分析我国保证制度缺失的深层原因,本文也对此做了较为细致的补充分析。 由于时间和水平的限制,本文还有一些遗留问题有待进一步研究,譬如我国是否应该分别针对海上保险和非海上保险规定保险保证制度及条款、各自又应该如何规定,等等。
[Abstract]:Insurance guarantee system is a kind of institutional arrangement by which the Insured undertakes to do or not do certain specific things, fulfil the obligation of certain conditions, affirm or negate the existence of certain factual conditions. The above consistency (for the convenience of writing, if there is no special explanation, the article "insurance guarantee" is a general term for the guarantee system and the guarantee clause, the relationship between the two will be explained in the main text)
Warranty system originated from the 17th century British marine insurance activities, and was explicitly stipulated in the British Marine Insurance Act of 1906. The system gradually developed into non-marine insurance. According to different standards, insurance guarantees can be divided into marine insurance guarantees and non-marine insurance guarantees, confirmatory guarantees and undertakings. In order to better understand the meaning of guaranty, it is necessary to distinguish the differences and connections between the terms of guarantee and guarantee, guarantee insurance, notice, statement and exclusion of liability in the law of guarantee. Some scholars think that it is the basic clause of insurance contract, but they all admit that it is an important content of the principle of utmost good faith. The characteristics of guarantee can be summarized as follows: first, the guarantee must be written; second, the guarantee does not have to be important; third, the guarantee must be strictly performed - and the most prominent feature is strict performance. Insurance guarantee plays an important role in balancing the information asymmetry between the insured and the insurer and protecting the insurer's interests. However, in the course of its development, it has been stained with defects that can not be ignored. Especially, the principle of strict performance of the guarantee has been greatly challenged.
China's insurance guarantee system has always been in a very awkward position. The stipulation of the word "insurance guarantee" can be clearly read only in Article 235 of the Maritime Law of the People's Republic of China promulgated in 1992, but it is absent in the Insurance Law, which regulates general insurance activities. There is no definition, content and nature of insurance guarantee. Some scholars believe that Article 51 of the Insurance Law can be regarded as a "guarantee" because it essentially stipulates the relevant obligations that the insured must abide by in the process of performing the contract, but most scholars do not agree with this view. A series of laws and regulations promulgated by regulators such as the Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) have also provided similar insurance guarantees. For example, Articles 24 to 29 of the "Motor Vehicle Insurance Clauses" promulgated by the CIRC in 2000 require motor vehicle owners to maintain and manage vehicles reasonably and carry out legal transportation. Judicial organs also do insurance guarantees. The relevant provisions.
In the insurance practice, the absence of the guarantee system makes the application of the guarantee clause of the insurance contract in our country confused. The irregular operation of the marine insurance business and the high rate of marine insurance indemnity and premium are closely related to our failure to implement the insurance guarantee system. Rates and premiums are increased to compensate for the losses, but this has caused great injustice to those high-quality policyholders who are diligent in management and fulfill their obligations. Over time, they lose confidence in domestic insurance companies and turn to foreign insurance companies, resulting in the outflow of domestic insurance business. Non-marine insurance is also due to the guarantee system and terms. Lack of insurance fraud and other reasons lead to frequent insurance fraud cases, insurance companies resulting in increasing claims, insurance fraud cases accounted for the proportion of total claims and insurance fraud claims accounted for the proportion of total claims are rising year by year. Because of the great difference between maritime and general civil and commercial affairs, it is impossible for the general insurance and commercial activities to apply the Maritime Law, but the Insurance Law itself has not made any provisions on the guarantee system. Some provisions on insurance guaranty clauses were put forward, but they were not promulgated for various reasons after consulting all parties.
The fundamental reason for the absence of guaranty system and its clauses in China lies in the strictness of the guaranty system, which is embodied in the fact that the content of the guaranty does not need to be significant, the violation of the guaranty is irresistible, and the violation of the guaranty can not be remedied. People have seriously misunderstood the guaranty system in use, resulting in a series of abuses At the same time, the civil and commercial legal system of our country is not perfect, and the explicit mention of the word guaranty is limited to the consequences of breach of guaranty in Article 235 of the Maritime Code and the provisions of Article 244 on seaworthiness of ships. However, the current legislation of our country inherits the civil law system, which is different from the legal tradition of Anglo-American law system.
Therefore, based on the above reasons, this paper attempts to study the current situation of the lack of China's insurance guarantee system and clauses, through the comparative analysis of Chinese and foreign guarantee system and clauses, put forward ideas to improve and perfect China's insurance guarantee, highlighting the important theoretical value and practical significance.
This article consists of five chapters and a total of six parts.
The introduction introduces the background and significance of this paper, summarizes the research status of this topic at home and abroad, summarizes the research methods and contents, and points out the possible innovation and deficiencies of this paper.
The first chapter studies the general theory of insurance guarantee, including the definition, classification, origin and development of insurance guarantee, the distinction between insurance and related terms, the nature and characteristics of insurance guarantee.
Chapter two analyzes the present situation and defects of the insurance guarantee system and its clauses in China from both theoretical and practical perspectives, and enumerates a case of marine insurance and a case of non-marine insurance respectively with guarantee as the core to illustrate the importance of guarantee and the serious consequences of breach of guarantee.
Chapter three focuses on the analysis of the reasons for the absence of the insurance guarantee system and clauses in China, and points out that the strictness of the guarantee itself and the imperfection of the legal system in China are the main reasons for the absence of the insurance guarantee system and clauses.
The fourth chapter analyzes the insurance guarantee system and clauses at home and abroad, including the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and other developed countries and regions with China's insurance guarantee system and clauses comparison.
The fifth chapter puts forward suggestions on perfecting and perfecting the insurance guarantee system and clauses in China from the aspects of legislation, supervision, practice, education and trade associations.
The possible innovations of this paper lie in the following aspects: making a big deal of a small problem and trying to study the contents and methods of the study. After extensive searching for information and studying the literature, this paper finally finds a breakthrough, analyzes the causes and harms of the absence of the guarantee system and clauses in China in the form of case analysis, studies the development of the guarantee system and clauses at home and abroad by way of comparative analysis, and puts forward some suggestions for improvement. At the same time, the existing literatures generally stop at discussing the characteristics of the guarantee system, without analyzing the deep reasons for the lack of the guarantee system in China, this paper also makes a more detailed supplementary analysis.
Due to the limitation of time and level, there are still some problems left to be further studied in this paper, such as whether China should stipulate insurance guarantee system and clauses for marine insurance and non-marine insurance respectively, and how to stipulate them respectively.


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10 孙庆镇;我国海上保险中保证制度研究[D];上海海事大学;2006年




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