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发布时间:2018-10-17 12:08
【摘要】:国际海上货物运输是当今世界主要的一种货物运输方式,据统计,大约90%以上的货物是通过海上运输来实现异地货物贸易的。发达的海运市场要求实现海上货物运输方面法律的全球统一,以减少或避免因法律不统一所带来的问题,如择地行诉问题,不公平竞争问题,以及商业成本增加等问题。但目前的状况是,由于历史的原因,,国际上并存三大国际公约,即海牙规则,海牙—维斯比规则和汉堡规则,且三大国际公约之间还存在差异;没有加入上述公约的国家对海上货物运输又各自立法予以规范,这使得国际海上货物运输法律相当的混乱,不利于国际海运的发展。为了统一海上货物运输法,1999年国际海事委员会(CMI)受联合国贸易法委员会的委托专门成立运输法分委员会,并于2000年9月28日草拟了《统一运输法框架文件草案》(Draft Outline Instrument)(以下简称《运输法草案》)。运输法草案分别于2001年2月和2001年5月经过了两次修订,最终的草案共17章,体系比较完整,条款内容也相对比较完善,而且增加了对货物的控制权,可转让运输单证下权利转让、时效、共同海损、其他公约、合同自由限制等方面的规定。值得注意的是,运输法草案第13章对运输合同下的诉权问题作了专门的规定。诉权问题一直是海商法甚至是整个诉讼法学界比较复杂的问题,目前我国《海商法》对此问题没有明确规定,司法实践中的认识也不统一。笔者试图从诉权的基本理论入手,在运输法草案的框架下,结合国内外相关法律的规定和司法实践的成果,对诉权问题进行一番研究和探讨,以期达到加深对诉权问题认识的目的。 论文全篇包括前言、正文、结论三大部分。 前言为论文的第一部分。在前言中,主要介绍了CMI运输法草案出台的历史背景。目前国际上在规范海上货物运输方面并存了三个公约,分别是海牙规则、维斯比规则和汉堡规则。为了统一现行国际运输法规,联合国贸易法律委员会委托国际海事委员会起草了新的国际运输法。这部草案总结了以前的国际公约以及各国立法的经验,体现了国际立法的新趋势。在该草案中,增加了许多新的内容,比如对于诉权的规定,这也是本文研究的重点。 正文分为五章。第一章主要论述诉权的概念和涵义。本文从诉权理论产生和历史 试述CMI运输法草案下的诉权制度 发展的角度入手,对各国诉权理论进行了比较,并重点论述了海商法下的诉权概念。 第二章主要探讨了当事人的适格问题。诉讼过程是原、被告双方的诉讼行为所共 同推动的。因此,原告和被告是否具有合法资格是诉权行使的前提。海商法的特殊性 使得一定条件下原、被告的识别问题变得复杂了。本章对原、被告的识别进行了深入 地分析。 第三章笔者详细地论述了诉权的转让方式。运输法草案规定了四种诉权的转让方 式,笔者特别对电子记录的转让予以了全面的介绍。 第四章笔者对海商法中的侵权之诉和违约之诉进行了探讨。侵权与违约是两种不 同的诉因,但在海上货物运输引起的纠纷中常常产生竞合。笔者对两种情况下的竞合 进行了分析,并提出了自己的观点。 第五章笔者在总结了运输法草案优点的基础上对我国《海商法》的修改提出了自 己的建议,抛砖引玉,以期对我国的《海商法》修改有所裨益。 论文第三部分为结论部分。笔者对全篇论文进行了归纳和总结,重申了对诉权研 究的重要性。
[Abstract]:International carriage of goods by sea is one of the main transport modes in the world today. According to statistics, more than 90% of the goods are transported by sea to realize goods trade at different places. The developed maritime market demands the global unification of the law on the carriage of goods by sea, so as to reduce or avoid the problems arising from the inconsistency of the law, such as choice of prosecution, unfair competition, and increased commercial costs. However, the present situation is that, owing to the historical reasons, there are three major international conventions, namely The Hague Rules, the Hague-Visby Rules and the Hamburg Rules, and there is still a difference between the three international conventions; The absence of a State which has acceded to the Convention is regulated by the respective legislation of the carriage of goods by sea, which makes the international carriage of goods by sea quite confusing and is not conducive to the development of international maritime transport. In order to unify the law on the carriage of goods by sea, the International Maritime Commission (CMI), 1999, was commissioned by the United Nations Commission on Trade Law to establish the Transport Law Sub-Commission, On 28 September 2000, the Draft Framework Document for Transport Law was drafted (Draft Outline Instrument) (hereinafter referred to as the draft Transport Law). The draft transport law was revised two times in February 2001 and May 2001 respectively, and the final draft has 17 chapters, the system is relatively complete, the content of the articles is relatively perfect, and the control of the goods is increased, and the transfer, limitation and general average of the rights under the transport document can be transferred. Other conventions, restrictions on freedom of contract, etc. It is worth noting that chapter 13 of the draft law on transport has made special provisions on the issue of confidentiality under the contract of carriage. This issue has always been a complicated problem in maritime law and even the whole procedure law. At present, our country's" maritime law "does not stipulate clearly, and the cognition in judicial practice is not uniform. The author tries to start with the basic theory of the theory of law, and in the framework of the draft transportation law, combine the provisions of relevant laws and the achievements of judicial practice at home and abroad, and make some research and discussion on the problem of human rights, with a view to achieving the purpose of deepening the understanding of the problem. The thesis consists of foreword, positive, The text, the conclusion is mostly. The foreword is the first part of the thesis. In the foreword, the main media The historical background of the draft CMI transport law has been introduced. At present, three conventions exist in the international standard for the regulation of the carriage of goods by sea. The Hague Rules, the Visby Rules and the Hamburg Rules are not the Hague Rules. In order to unify the existing international shipping regulations, the United Nations Law Commission on Trade has commissioned The International Maritime Commission has drafted a new international transport law, which summarizes the previous international conventions and States The experience of legislation reflects a new trend in international legislation. In the draft, many new elements have been added, such as for in accordance with the provisions of the present invention, This is also the focus of this study. The text is divided into three chapters. The chapter mainly discusses the concept and meaning of existentialism. The Analysis of CMI Transportation Law from the Theoretical Production and History of the Theory of Science and Technology The Legal System under the Draft From the point of view of development, the theory of national salvation has been carried out. Compare and try again This paper deals with the concept of science and commerce under the maritime law. The chapter mainly discusses when The problem of a person's fitness. The process of action is the lawsuit between the plaintiff and the defendant. co-thrust of behavior Dynamic. This is whether the plaintiff and the defendant have legal qualification as the legal representative On the Premise of Maritime Law so that the identification problem of the original and the defendant becomes It's complicated. This chapter goes deep into the identification of the original and defendant. Ground analysis. In the third chapter, the author gives a detailed description of the way of transfer. The draft of the draft law provides for four types of goods. Transferor type, pen The author gives a comprehensive introduction to the transfer of electronic records. The prosecution and breach of tort in maritime law are discussed. The tort and default are two. non-identical Disputes arising from the carriage of goods by sea often arise. The author thinks about two kinds of


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