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发布时间:2018-10-31 08:50
【摘要】:海运保函(Letter of Guarantee,Letter of Indemnity)是一种出现在航运实务中的单证。它的出现和适用一直是人们理论上和实践上关注的焦点,一方面,海运保函的出现给国际贸易带来极大的便捷和经济价值,它对贸易和航运的顺利进行起着“润滑剂”的作用。另一方面,保函的存在又对传统的国际贸易秩序产生了强烈的冲击,尤其体现在对提单的信任度和安全性下降,并为贸易欺诈提供了可乘之机,阻碍了航运秩序的有序进行。近年来学术界和实务中对海运保函的有关问题产生了很多争议。因此,笔者认为,有必要对保函做出系统的研究。 本文主要讨论了保函的性质及效力,保函给相关各方带来的风险及对策,保函的法律适用等几个问题。采取的是比较分析的方法,结合各国的法律规定和实践进行研究。 本文从保函的产生存在、发展的现实土壤入手,先简单介绍一下保函的基本内涵,将实践中几种常见的保函逐一介绍,着眼于保函存废的利弊权衡,重视保函在国际贸易与海事运输中的经济价值,从民法的角度对其存在的合理性和不合法性进行探讨。 本文的重点在于对保函效力的分析,保函的效力一直是实践中关注的焦点,对于其效力,由于立法上的不完善以及对保函认定的不一致性,不仅外国法院有不同的主张和判例,我国法学界和航运界也各执一说,莫衷一是。至今,国际间没有统一的认识,令其在法律上的效力受到很大程度的怀疑,并对提单的信誉及航运、贸易的正常秩序产生了一定的不利影响。对效力的认定是保函发展的基础,本文结合各国的理论和实践以及《汉堡规则》的规定,对航运实务中经常出现的几种保函具体问题具体分析。本文的另一个重点在于对保函在实践中可能给各方带来的风险进行研究,并提出相应的对策,以求防范风险,更好的在实践中应用保函。 本文最后关注的是海运保函的未来发展趋势,并根据保函在我国法律上的空缺,试图努力构想完善的保函立法,以求扬长避短,使海运保函更好地促进国际贸易和海运事业的发展。
[Abstract]:(Letter of Guarantee,Letter of Indemnity) is a document that appears in shipping practice. Its appearance and application have always been the focus of attention in theory and practice. On the one hand, the appearance of maritime guarantee brings great convenience and economic value to international trade, and it plays a "lubricant" role in the smooth progress of trade and shipping. On the other hand, the existence of guarantee has a strong impact on the traditional international trade order, especially in the decline of trust and security of bill of lading, which provides an opportunity for trade fraud and hinders the orderly progress of shipping order. In recent years, there has been a lot of controversy about maritime guarantee in academia and practice. Therefore, the author believes that it is necessary to make a systematic study of the guarantee. This paper mainly discusses the nature and effectiveness of the guarantee, the risks and countermeasures brought by the guarantee to the parties concerned, and the application of the law of the guarantee. It adopts the method of comparative analysis, combined with the legal provisions and practice of various countries to carry on the research. Starting with the existence of guarantee and the realistic soil of its development, this paper briefly introduces the basic connotation of guarantee, introduces several kinds of guarantee one by one in practice, and focuses on weighing the advantages and disadvantages of deposit and scrap of guarantee. Attach importance to the economic value of guarantee in international trade and maritime transportation, and discuss the rationality and illegality of its existence from the angle of civil law. The focus of this paper is on the analysis of the validity of the guarantee, the validity of which has always been the focus of attention in practice. For its effectiveness, due to the imperfections in the legislation and the inconsistency in the confirmation of the guarantee, not only the foreign courts have different claims and precedents, China's legal circles and the shipping industry also hold a different opinion, different views. Up to now, there is no unified understanding in the international community, which makes the legal effect of the bill of lading doubtful to a great extent, and has a certain adverse effect on the credibility of bill of lading and the normal order of shipping and trade. The determination of validity is the basis of the development of guarantee. This paper, based on the theory and practice of various countries and the provisions of Hamburg rules, makes a concrete analysis of several specific problems of guaranty that often appear in shipping practice. Another key point of this paper is to study the risks that the guarantee may bring to all parties in practice, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures in order to prevent risks and better use the guarantee in practice. Finally, this paper focuses on the future development trend of maritime guarantee, and according to the gap of guarantee in our country, it tries to conceive perfect guarantee legislation in order to maximize its advantages and avoid weaknesses. Make shipping guarantee better promote the development of international trade and shipping business.


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