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发布时间:2018-11-07 06:53
【摘要】: 19世纪末20世纪初,,随着传统的“守夜型”国家向“保姆型” 国家的转化。国家对社会、经济的干预权力也日益膨胀,伴此而生 的乃是一新兴法律部门——经济法。经济法的产生与发展给经济执 法部门(特别是反垄断、反倾销等执法部门)以高度独立、高度集 中的权力,某些机关甚至突破传统的三权分立体制,集立法权、行 政权与司法权于一身。然而“一切有权力的人都容易滥用权力,这 是亘古不变的一条经验”,“有权力的人们使用权力一直到遇有界限 的地方才休止”。面对如此庞大的经济行政权力,必须采取措施予 以规制,于是作为经济法的主要组成部分——市场规制法也应运而 生。相应地,提出了诉讼程序保障问题,然而经济行政诉讼却是一 个内容极为丰富,至今还未厘清的范畴。本文认为,在中国加入 WTO的背景下,我国急需建构经济行政诉讼尤其是反垄断行政诉 讼与反倾销行政诉讼。因为此两种诉讼制度对于我国企业应对 WTO的复杂竞争形势必将起到法律上的支撑作用,同时也是我国 履行WTO的义务需要,最后这也与我国正在履践的“依法治国、 建设社会主义法治国家”的战略目标相切合。但目前,我国法学界 对此仍缺乏系统与整体的研究,其相关成果呈现出分散性与杂乱性 的特征。可见,市场规制中的经济行政诉讼研究具有重要意义。
[Abstract]:At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, with the transformation of the traditional "vigil" state to the "nanny" state. The power of the state to intervene in the society and economy is expanding day by day, which is accompanied by a new law department-economic law. The emergence and development of economic law gives the departments of economic law enforcement (especially anti-monopoly, anti-dumping and other law enforcement departments) a high degree of independence, a high concentration of power, Some organs even break through the traditional system of separation of powers, set legislative power, power and judicial power. However, "all people who have power are prone to abuse of power, which is an everlasting experience", "the use of power by people with power will not rest until there are boundaries." In the face of such huge economic administrative power, measures must be taken to regulate it, so the market regulation law, as the main component of economic law, should come into being. Accordingly, the issue of procedural protection is raised, but economic administrative litigation is a very rich content, which has not been clarified yet. This paper holds that under the background of China's entry into WTO, it is urgent for China to construct economic administrative litigation, especially antitrust administrative suit and anti-dumping administrative lawsuit. Because these two kinds of litigation system will certainly play a legal supporting role for Chinese enterprises to deal with the complex competition situation of WTO, and it is also the need of our country to fulfill the obligation of WTO. Finally, this is in line with the strategic goal of running the country according to law and building a socialist country ruled by law. But at present, there is still a lack of systematic and overall research on this in our legal circles, and its related results show the characteristics of dispersion and clutter. Therefore, the study of economic administrative litigation in market regulation is of great significance.


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