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发布时间:2018-11-26 08:13
【摘要】:FOB贸易术语作为国际贸易史上最古老的一种贸易术语,随着世界经济的发展和各国间交流的加强,已在国际贸易中已占据很大比重。中国作为一个进出口大国,FOB贸易在进出口贸易中所占据的比重之大也是可以想象的。 FOB贸易术语实际使用的过程中产生了很多纠纷。笔者认为,产生这些纠纷的主要原因是没有清楚认识FOB贸易中的卖方在海上运输合同中所处的法律地位,同时也没有厘清买卖合同与海上运输合同相互之间的关系。 我国《海商法》明确将FOB贸易中的卖方纳入到托运人的范畴之中。但是这一规定也引起了我国海商法学术界的争论,持不同意见的学者纷纷亮出自己的观点。在英国法中将FOB贸易术语分为三种变型:严格型FOB、传统型FOB和附加服务型FOB。在FOB的不同变型中,卖方所处的地位也有所不同。 本文主要通过对FOB贸易中卖方所面对的问题进行研究,理顺卖方在不同变型中的法律地位,明确卖方的权利义务,以应对实践中所可能出现的风险。 本文主体部分主要分为四章。第一章主要讲述了FOB贸易术语的含义、类型。第二章主要讲述相关国际公约及我国《海商法》中对“托运人”这一概念的规定,,以及在实践中两类托运人产生的争议。第三章主要讲述在FOB贸易中所存在的四个重点问题:托运人的识别问题、提单签发的问题、中途停运权的问题和FOB贸易给我国造成的影响。第四章主要是针对以上的问题进行讨论,希望通过讨论能为解决各问题提供帮助。 笔者在吸取不同学者观点的基础上,对于FOB贸易中托运人的认定提出来自己的观点。笔者书写本文的目的是,希望通过本文的研究、比较,能够为FOB贸易中卖方权益的维护、贸易的顺利进行有所益处。
[Abstract]:As one of the oldest trade terms in the history of international trade, FOB terms have occupied a large proportion in international trade with the development of world economy and the strengthening of exchanges between countries. As a big import and export country, the proportion of FOB trade in import and export trade is also imaginable. Many disputes arise in the actual use of FOB terms. The author believes that the main reason for these disputes is the lack of a clear understanding of the legal status of the seller in the FOB trade in the maritime transport contract, and the lack of clarification of the relationship between the contract of sale and purchase and the contract of carriage by sea. China's Maritime Law explicitly includes sellers in FOB trade as shippers. However, this regulation has also aroused controversy in the maritime law academic circles of our country, and scholars who hold different opinions show their own views one after another. In English law, FOB terms are classified into three variants: strict FOB, traditional FOB and additional service FOB. In the different variants of FOB, the seller's position is also different. Through the study of the problems faced by the seller in the FOB trade, this paper straightens out the legal status of the seller in different variants and clarifies the seller's rights and obligations in order to deal with the possible risks in practice. The main body of this paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter mainly describes the meaning and type of FOB trade terms. The second chapter deals with the definition of "shipper" in the relevant international conventions and China's Maritime Law, as well as the disputes between the two types of shippers in practice. The third chapter mainly describes the four key issues in FOB trade: the identification of shippers, the issue of bill of lading, the right of stoppage and the impact of FOB trade on our country. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the above problems, hoping to help solve them. On the basis of different scholars' views, the author puts forward his own views on the shippers' identification in FOB trade. The purpose of this paper is to make a comparison between the seller's rights and interests in FOB trade and the smooth progress of the trade.


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