[Abstract]:Under the revolution of information industry, the tide of e-commerce is unstoppable. As an important tool and product of electronic commerce, electronic contract has been widely used in international business and brought great convenience to international economic exchanges. Since the existing legal systems of contracts in various countries do not take into account the new form of contracts such as electronic contracts when they are formulated, many new legal problems arise in the application of electronic contracts in international commerce. Many traditional rules of civil and commercial law have been seriously challenged. If these problems are not solved, it will hinder the adoption of electronic contracts in international commerce, which is not conducive to the development of electronic commerce. Based on the Model Law on Electronic Commerce promulgated by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), the contract Law of China and other relevant legal rules, this paper analyzes the form, signature authentication, offer and acceptance of electronic contract. The time and place of the formation of the contract, the legal system of evidence and the legal system of jurisdiction, etc., and the possible countermeasures are discussed in depth. It is pointed out that it has become a consensus of the international community to create a good legal environment for electronic commerce in the global scope, and relevant international organizations should actively promote the emergence of regional and global e-commerce treaties. China is about to join the WTO. It is an urgent task to adjust the existing legislation and formulate a unified and comprehensive e-commerce law.
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