[Abstract]:With the continuous development of maritime cargo transportation and the refinement of the division of labor in the shipping industry, The other parties who actually participate in the whole carriage of goods by sea or undertake to perform the obligations under the carrier's contract of carriage gradually become a very important subject in the field of carriage of goods by sea which is parallel with the carrier. On the one hand, the existence of this kind of subject promotes the development of maritime cargo transportation, on the other hand, it also makes the legal relations in the process of maritime cargo transportation become complicated. This paper uses the legal concept of performing party in the carriage of goods by sea to cover this kind of subject, and on this basis studies its legal status and liability system, and tries to construct a more reasonable liability system for this kind of subject. To help deal with the current situation of complex legal relations in the field of carriage of goods by sea. This paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the practical and legal basis of the concept of the performing party in the carriage of goods by sea, and combines the concepts of the performing party and the maritime performing party in the draft UNCITRAL transport law. In this paper, the performing party in the carriage of goods by sea is defined, which covers the other parties who are actually involved in the carriage of goods by sea, and the research object of this paper is clarified. Chapter 2 uses the method of comparative study to introduce and analyze in detail the relevant provisions of the current international conventions and domestic laws concerning the relevant parties covered by the performing parties in the carriage of goods by sea referred to in this paper, through the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of these provisions. The purpose of this paper is to study the legal status and liability system of the performing party in the carriage of goods by sea. Chapter 3 analyzes the relationship between the performing party and the carrier and the cargo party in the carriage of goods by sea, and points out that the performing party in the carriage of goods by sea has a dual legal status in the complex legal relationship of the carriage of goods by sea. On the one hand, it has a general commercial contract relationship with the carrier, which is an independent contractor or sub-contractor of the carrier, on the other hand, it has a legal relationship of infringement with the cargo party, and is in the legal position of the tortfeasor. At the same time, because the performing party in the carriage of goods by sea performs or undertakes to perform the obligations under the carrier's contract of carriage, and the contract of carriage is regulated by the compulsory law, in order to maintain the stability of the legal relationship in the carriage of goods by sea, Some legal rights and obligations of the carrier under the contract of carriage need to be conferred on the performing party in the carriage of goods by sea, thus realizing the breakthrough of the principle of relativity of contract in the relationship between the carrier and the cargo party. Chapter 4 adopts an analysis of the core legal regime of the performing party in the carriage of goods by sea, including the period of responsibility, the principle of liability, the limitation of liability and its loss, and the scope of liability. A reasonable and independent liability system is constructed for the performing party in the carriage of goods by sea. The complexity of the legal status of the performing party in the carriage of goods by sea makes it necessary to establish an independent legal system to regulate and unify its rights and obligations in the course of its participation in the carriage of goods by sea. Chapter 5 puts forward some legislative suggestions on the basis of the problems existing in the theory and judicial practice of the actual carrier system in China's Maritime Law and the unclear legal status and liability system of the operators of port stations. It is suggested that China's Maritime Law introduce the concept of a performing party in the carriage of goods by sea and add provisions to specify its liability system.
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