[Abstract]:With the development of the market economy in our country, the bribery in the field of public power has been mainly concentrated in the field of non-public power, and some companies, enterprises or other units of non-State functionaries take advantage of their functions to obtain or accept bribes from others. In order to gain the interests of others, the fair competition order needed for the operation of the market economy is seriously damaged, and the criminal law should be regulated. The bribery of non-State staff is a powerful weapon in the current criminal law to regulate the phenomenon. But the understanding and understanding of the bribery crime of non-state staff also have some differences and disputes in the theory of criminal law and in the judicial practice. The paper mainly discusses the elements of the constitution and the improvement of the legal penalty, and probes into the handling of a case that may involve the crime in the judicial practice. This paper is divided into seven parts. The first part explores the history of the evolution of the bribery crime of the staff of the Central African countries in our country The article points out that the legislative changes related to the crime actually reflect the independent status of the market subjects such as the company, the enterprise and other units in the market economy, and is recognized At the same time, through the analysis of different opinions, it is considered that the crime of the non-state staff is better grasped the character and essence of the crime, and points out that the definition of the concept of the crime should be fully grasped in order to make it more consistent with the legislation of this crime. The second part, through the analysis of the theories, thinks that the object of the bribery crime of non-State functionaries should be the non-buy-off of the duty of non-State functionaries and the impartiality of job behavior The object of the compound is to enlarge the scope of the crime of the crime if the unbridled nature of the job behavior of a single finger, if the impartiality of the one-finger job behavior is the same, In the third part, it is pointed out that the "to take advantage of the position of the job" in the name of the bribery crime of non-State staff can only be used by the supervisor in his position, and is responsible for the functions of the company, the enterprise, the unit affairs, or other work with the membership and the restriction relationship The act of a person's position. In the form of conduct, both the type of bribery and the acceptance of a bribe need to be provided for him. In the view of the scope of the bribery, the article is of the view that the scope of the bribery should be the boundary from the point of view. The "to gain a profit for others" of this crime should be limited to the fact that the interests are more appropriate. In the fourth part, it was pointed out whether to engage in public service was the key to the distinction between national and non-State staff, but not all non-State staff could form the subject of the crime and must Having the characteristics of doing the job, that is, the duty to carry on. Having the right to manage. For "Staff of other units". Some types have been enumerated and analyzed. The non-rationality of the criminal law of our country on the subject of this crime is reflected, and the non-unit staff should be considered It is also included in the scope of the crime of this crime. The fifth part is that the subjective fault of the crime can both It is either direct or indirect intent. In the event of an ex post-bribery case, whether or not there is a prior agreement, as long as the post-fact agent knows that it is an improper act of authority In the sixth part, the author discusses the legal punishment and the perfection of the crime, and points out that it is possible to consider the establishment of the standard of conviction and sentencing with the combination of the amount and the plot, and to improve the property. In the seventh part, the author analyzes the "blackguard" behavior in the Chinese football league, and points out that the criminal law should find a balance in the legal principle of the judicial action and the crime and punishment. At that time, the criminal law has not included the "Staff of other units" in the first part. Article 63 In the case of a subject, it is not appropriate to qualify the black whistle as a company, and the bribery crime of the enterprise personnel is not appropriate, and it is pointed out that the nature of the bribery crime is
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