[Abstract]:Because the provisions of maritime law on ship lien are inconsistent, it is necessary to make a legal choice in the legal relationship of foreign ship lien. The international community mainly applies the flag law, the law of the place where the ship is retained, the law agreed by the parties, and several kinds of legislative practice of the local law of the court in the application of the law of the flag state, the law of the place where the ship is retained, and the law of the place of court. It is suggested that the application of the law on ship lien in China Maritime Law is that the ship lien shall apply the law agreed upon by the parties, but the provisions of the foreign law agreed upon by the parties on the ship lien should be excluded and applied more broadly than the domestic law. In the absence of agreement between the parties, the law of the location of the retained ship shall apply. The influence of ship lien on the third party shall be governed by the location law of the retained ship. The national law of the flag shall apply to the order in which the lien of the ship is paid. The realization of ship lien shall be governed by the law of the court.
【作者单位】: 广州大学法学院
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