[Abstract]:The merger and acquisition of domestic enterprises by foreign capital is a complex transaction activity, and the treatment of the debt of the target enterprise in the merger and acquisition of foreign capital is a very important part of the merger and acquisition transaction. The proper handling of the debt of the target enterprise is related to the interests of foreign investors, the target enterprise and its shareholders, the existing creditors of the target enterprise and the potential creditors of the target enterprise, which must be paid attention to. This paper mainly analyzes and discusses the important legal issues related to the treatment of the debt of the target enterprise in the merger and acquisition of foreign capital from the perspective of civil and commercial law, and puts forward some opinions of the author. This paper is divided into three chapters in structure, the main contents are as follows: the first section of the first chapter defines the concept of foreign capital M & A, and further expounds the characteristics of foreign capital M & A investment on the basis of comparison with green space investment; The second section defines the two legal basic models of foreign capital mergers and acquisitions, namely equity mergers and acquisitions and asset mergers and acquisitions, and analyzes the characteristics of equity mergers and acquisitions and asset mergers and acquisitions. Through the introduction of the basic problems of foreign capital mergers and acquisitions, this chapter lays a foundation for the following analysis and discussion on the legal issues of debt treatment of target enterprises in foreign capital mergers and acquisitions. The first section of the second chapter briefly introduces the types of debt of the target enterprise in the merger and acquisition of foreign capital, especially the distinction between the existing debt and the potential debt, the disclosed debt and the invisible debt. The second section analyzes the rules of the debt treatment of the target enterprise in the foreign capital merger and acquisition, and draws the conclusion that unless the parties agree otherwise on the disposal of the creditor's rights and debts of the target enterprise, whether it is equity merger or asset merger, the original debt of the target enterprise shall be borne by the target enterprise after the merger and acquisition. The third section analyzes some special requirements of the debt treatment of the target enterprise in the foreign capital merger and acquisition, that is, the transfer of the creditor's rights should notify the debtor, the transfer of the creditor's rights should obtain the consent of the debtor, and the obligation of the target enterprise to notify the creditor and issue the announcement in the asset merger and acquisition. At present, the effective elements of the assignment of creditor's rights are still controversial in theory. After the analysis, this paper draws the author's point of view, that is, the act of assignment of creditor's rights takes notice to arrive at the debtor as the effective element. The first section of the third chapter first introduces several situations of hidden debt that may exist in equity mergers and acquisitions, and through the analysis of the rules of debt treatment of target enterprises in foreign mergers and acquisitions, it is concluded that the invisible debt risk in foreign mergers and acquisitions mainly exists in equity mergers and acquisitions, while foreign investors generally do not suffer from invisible debt risks in asset mergers and acquisitions; Then it puts forward some suggestions on what measures should be taken by foreign investors to prevent the hidden debt risk in equity mergers and acquisitions. Section II analyzes the question of who should bear the potential debt caused by the sale of assets and liquidation and cancellation of the target enterprise (such as the production and sale of products, the discharge of chemical plant sewage, etc.) and puts forward the author's point of view, that is, if the target enterprise is a partnership or a sole proprietorship enterprise, The responsibility shall be borne by the former general partner of the partnership or the original investor of the sole proprietorship enterprise (within 5 years); In the case of the target enterprise as the company, the shareholders of the target company shall bear the responsibility within the scope of the remaining property of the target company obtained by the target company.
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