[Abstract]:On the basis of the basic principle of civil law, this paper is based on the third party direct request system in the current maritime compulsory liability insurance, and refers to the relevant provisions of the third party's direct request right in the domestic and foreign insurance legal system. Some basic problems of the system of the third party's direct request of claim in the marine liability insurance, such as the study value, the theoretical foundation, the exercise condition of the third party's right-of-claim system in the marine liability insurance and the plea of the third person's right to exercise the right, have been preliminarily studied and the legislative suggestions are put forward. The full text is divided into four chapters in addition to the introduction and conclusion. Chapter 1 directly claims the third party In this paper, the meaning, study value and the theory of the third person's right of right of claim are introduced. On the basis of the three aspects of the theory of civil liability, the theory of insurance law and the principle of bankruptcy, the author expounds the rationality of the establishment of the third party's right of right of claim in the liability insurance of the sea from the three aspects of the theory of civil liability, the theory of insurance law and The interests of the insurer, the interests of the insurer and the legal rights of the insured are analyzed, and the possibility of the third party's direct claim system in the marine liability insurance is analyzed. The second chapter introduces the right of right of right of the third person at home and abroad. The present chapter lists the provisions of the international convention, the common law system and the direct request of the third party in the countries and regions of the continental law system, and explains the special procedure law of China's maritime litigation and the provisions of the maritime commercial law for the third party's direct claim. The third chapter introduces the third part of the marine compulsory liability insurance. The system of the direct request of the right of the third person in the compulsory liability insurance is introduced. The conditions of the exercise and the direct request of the third party are introduced. The defense of the right of claim. Chapter 4 is the establishment of the third party's claim system in any liability insurance at sea. This chapter is the focus of this paper. Since the compulsory liability insurance is different from the nature of any liability insurance, this chapter is based on the right transfer theory, with a focus on the third party's direct request in any liability insurance at sea At the same time, the author analyzes the establishment of the third party direct request system in any liability insurance in the sea. The shadow of the current legal system In accordance with the present situation of China's law, the author puts forward the direct request of the third party under the legal condition in the form of the direct provisions of the law in China's
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