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发布时间:2019-07-08 16:21
【摘要】: 海上危险货物运输是海上运输领域的一个重要组成部分。目前,无论是理论方面,还是实务操作方面,海上危险货物运输都显现出其与众不同之处,这已经成为海商法理论界和航运界研究的热点问题。 本文从海上危险货物运输的特点入手,运用比较分析、实证分析等研究方法,结合海商法和民法的基本理论,并借鉴国际公约、UNCITRAL运输法公约、航运发达国家的先进立法及英美法系国家的权威判例,着重对危险货物的界定、海上危险货物运输立法的现状及发展趋势、危险货物托运人的法律地位、危险货物承运人的法律地位这几个问题进行系统阐述,分析了我国现行立法的不足,进而提出了一些具体的法律修改建议。同时,本文针对危险货物托运人向承运人履行法定告知义务、托运人违反告知义务应承担的责任和危险货物承运人拒绝运输权、危险货物处置权以及同船运输的非危险货物托运人的权利等特殊问题进行了重点分析,期望能够对促进海上危险货物运输业的发展及海事立法的完善有所裨益。 本文通过研究认为,为完善我国海上危险货物运输法律制度,必须遵循海上危险货物运输立法的发展趋势,对危险货物作出一个清晰的界定,建立海上危险货物运输合同当事人资质许可制度,进一步明确危险货物承托双方的法律地位,对各自的权利、义务和责任作出详细规定,使之更趋于合理化,以保障海上危险货物运输安全,促进海上危险货物运输的良性、健康发展。
[Abstract]:The carriage of dangerous goods by sea is an important part of the field of marine transportation. At present, both the theory and the practical operation, the carriage of dangerous goods at sea shows its distinctive features, which has become a hot issue in the research of the theory of maritime law and the shipping industry. This paper starts with the characteristics of marine dangerous goods transportation, uses comparative analysis, empirical analysis and other research methods, in combination with the basic theory of maritime commercial law and civil law, and draws on the international convention, UNCITRAL transport law convention, advanced legislation of shipping developed country and the right of common law system state. The paper systematically expounds the definition of dangerous goods, the present situation and developing trend of the legislation on the carriage of dangerous goods, the legal status of the dangerous goods and the legal status of the dangerous goods carrier, and analyzes the current legislation of our country. In addition, some specific legal modifications are put forward. In the meantime, the shipper shall be liable for breach of the obligation of the shipper and the carrier of the dangerous goods if the shipper is in breach of the statutory duty of obligation to the carrier in respect of the shipper of the dangerous goods. The special issues such as the right to transport, the transport of dangerous goods and the rights of the non-dangerous goods shipper of the same ship are analyzed, and it is expected that the development of the transportation of dangerous goods at sea and the improvement of the maritime legislation can be improved. In ord to improve that legal system of the carriage of dangerous goods at sea, the article consider that, in order to improve the legal system of the carriage of dangerous goods at sea, it is necessary to follow the development trend of the legislation on the transportation of dangerous goods at sea, to clearly define the dangerous goods and to establish a contract for the carriage of dangerous goods at sea. In order to guarantee the safety of the marine dangerous goods, and to promote the carriage of dangerous goods at sea, the system of qualification of the person shall further clarify the legal status of the dangerous goods and bear the legal status of both parties, and make detailed provisions on their rights, obligations and responsibilities, so as to make it more reasonable, so as to guarantee the safety of the marine dangerous goods and to promote the transportation of dangerous goods at sea


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