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发布时间:2017-12-27 18:43

  本文关键词:论我国成年人附条件不起诉制度的构建 出处:《延边大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 成年人附条件不起诉制度 救济程序 后续程序

[Abstract]:Through the study of criminal procedure, the present stage of the Chinese legal theory analyzes the minor category, conditional non prosecution system; and the conditional non prosecution system in line with the development trend of adult opportunifatsprinzip, embodies the "cautious punishment" and "restorative justice" concept, is the embodiment of China's leniency policy. This paper firstly clarifies the research concept of conditional non prosecution system, then expounds the conditions of adults do not sue the system the theory concept and policy; secondly, describes the overall situation of the minor category, conditional non prosecution system is analyzed based on the corresponding experience and insufficiency; the research ideas and methods that based on domestic and international research and legislation on the status quo; the last part puts forward the construction of conditional non prosecution system for adults, and then from the object and conditions, operation procedure, supervision mechanism, inspection mode and relief procedures and follow-up procedures and other aspects of constructing the system of our country put forward. The following is a specific look at the main content of this article. In the first chapter, the author clarifies the purpose and significance of the research, illustrates the previous research status and shortcomings, and then indicates that this research method is mainly based on literature research and systematic analysis, supplemented by comparative research. For the latter, the establishment of the system of conditional non prosecution for adults is well paved. Any studies are based on the explicit definition of the concept as the foundation, the second chapter is the first clear concept of conditional non prosecution system in adults: the public security organization at the end of the case, if the objective conditions of criminal cases and litigation to match, however the rest can not weigh the causes after the prosecution, to define the suitable evaluation period, to stipulate the obligation in the end, after the deadline, the verification test is not the prosecution to be clear. Then it introduces the legal basis and policy basis of the adult conditional non prosecution system, namely, the prosecution doctrine, the modesty of the criminal law and the criminal policy of temper justice with mercy. In the third chapter, the author mainly studies the development of adult conditional non prosecution system in China, and analyzes the problems in the process of establishing conditional non prosecution system in China. The main problems include: the conditions for the victim's understanding are too harsh, the specific provisions for the performance of penitence are not clear, the location of the parties is not allowed, the need for supervision and investigation, and the conditions of guardianship should not be necessary conditions and exclude the applicable circumstances. Through the analysis of the above legislative provisions, I find that there are many misconceptions in establishing adult conditional non prosecution system, which are hindered by the application of adult conditional non prosecution system in practice. In the fourth chapter, the author mainly talks about the mature experience and practice of foreign conditional non prosecution system. Based on its concept, it will play an important role in the fifth chapter. In the fifth chapter, the author puts forward the concrete idea of the establishment of the system of adult conditional non prosecution for the theoretical and practical problems mentioned above. First, the construction of conditional non prosecution system the principle of adults; second, in the aspect of legislation to determine the applicable object of conditional non prosecution system of adults, adults with clear conditions of the non prosecution system; third, run the program specification of conditional non prosecution adult science system, expand the scope of rights and obligations, and inform the program the examination and approval procedures, legal consequences and legal effect of declaration procedures, and conditional non prosecution; fourth, the conditional non prosecution system of adult supervision mechanism and supervision from the internal supervision of the procuratorial organs and the handling of the superior prosecution restriction of the two aspects of proposed construction method; fifth, study mode of adult non prosecution system, this mode of education and sound; sixth, the conditional non prosecution system of the adult relief program, from the two aspects of the victim and the public security organs Sixth, the follow-up procedures of the adult non prosecution system, namely the admonition education and the follow-up visit.


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