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发布时间:2017-12-27 21:08

  本文关键词:刑事诉讼专家证人出庭作证制度研究 出处:《湖南师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 刑事诉讼 专家证人 出庭作证 制度完善

[Abstract]:The 192nd clause and second paragraph of China's criminal procedure law establish the expert witness court system, that is, the public prosecutor, the litigant or the defender, the agent ad litem can apply for the court to notify the person with special knowledge to appear in court, and make comments on the appraisal opinion made by the appraiser. This system on the one hand by the judiciary and start the implementation, to ensure that the judiciary maximum control for litigation activities of the whole process; on the other hand the appraiser is subject to strict examination and registered, thus ensuring appraiser qualification level and neutral characteristics, which make the fair and reasonable appraisal conclusion. However, since the implementation of this system, there are a series of problems to be solved, including the legal status of expert witness legal responsibility is not clear, the selection mechanism of witness uncertainty, expert witness testimony admissibility principles and start the program is not standardized, expert witness is not specific and expert witness the lack of corresponding supervision mechanism etc.. The identification of civil law system and common law expert witness testimony system through court analysis found that the contents of the system in the continuous modification and improvement process has gradually matured, whether it is the expert witness qualification, examination, appointment, supervision measures are perfect. Therefore, in view of the current our country expert witness system problems, this paper proposes the expert witness provisions for ordinary witnesses, make clear its legal status and legal status, and the expert witness testimony listed as an independent category of evidence, shows its particularity, the difference with ordinary witness testimony should be chosen; and through strict examination and identification of people employed by judicial organs included in the roster of authenticators as expert witness; the expert witness selection right of both parties; give expert witness investigation right, inquiry right, to the principal right, independently concluded rights; and the expert witness shall perform testify. The duty, the duty of confidentiality, respect the facts, timely completion of expert testimony obligations and accept the supervision of the duty, to establish accountability system, supervision mechanism And so on, from the macro construction of a systematic and perfect expert witness testimony system, and play its functional value in the process of criminal procedure.


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