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发布时间:2017-12-28 14:21

  本文关键词:我国督促程序的现状与再完善 出处:《上海交通大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 督促程序 支付令 生存状态 程序完善

[Abstract]:Supervise the program as a legal mechanism to quickly solve modern debt disputes, emerged in the rapid development of social commodity economy today, its mission is to flexibly and quickly to help creditors with low cost, low consumption to realize the creditor's rights, the parties to reduce litigation inconvenience, and reduce the burden of the court. However, since the introduction of the supervision procedure in 1991 by the Civil Procedure Law of China, its working condition and living condition in the past 20 years have not been as perfect as expected, even with the original intention of its original establishment. The application of low rate and low production efficiency seems to represent a supervision procedure is not essential, and even make an unnecessary move program. The purpose of this paper is to find out the reasons of its vacancy through the analysis of the current situation of the supervision procedure, and put forward personal opinions and opinions on the further improvement of the supervision procedure according to the relevant regulations of the newly revised civil procedure law promulgated in 2013. This article is divided into three parts. The first part gives an overview of the process of supervision and promotion, introduces the different meanings of the process of supervision and promotion in different countries, and defines its nature. In addition, the author also introduces the legislative process of the supervision procedure in other countries and regions in foreign countries, and compares it with the legislative process in China. The second part describes the operation status of the supervision procedure in China, and analyzes the reasons why it is not valued, including the reasons for the payment order itself and the environmental factors it exists. The third part, the author based on the current situation of our country, on the basis of the second part's analysis, put forward their own proposals from the perspective of the legal system and the external environment angle to further improve the supervising procedure according to the newly revised civil procedure law.


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