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发布时间:2018-01-03 01:23

  本文关键词:论我国技术侦查报告制度的构建 出处:《广东财经大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 技术侦查 技术侦查报告 技术侦查报告制度 事后监督 公众参与

[Abstract]:Technical investigation is very easy to infringe on citizens' rights. Strict supervision of technical investigation is the common understanding of modern countries ruled by law, in order to keep the secret of investigation. Technical investigation in our country for a long time in the "secret" state. In this context, our country in 2012 to amend the Code of Criminal procedure has not established a special supervision system of technical investigation. Although the Criminal procedure Law stipulates that the people's Procuratorate has the function of investigation and supervision, the technical investigation is different from the general investigative techniques. If the general investigation supervision system is used to restrain the technical investigation to have little effect, the urgent task is to find a way to supervise the technical investigation after it is in line with the national conditions of our country. The technical investigation report can reflect the approval rate of the technical investigation. . As a comprehensive way of supervision, the implementation time, the effect of prosecution of crime and so on can provide the empirical information for improving the legislation of technical investigation in the future. It can also provide the media for the public participation in the field of technical investigation supervision. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the technical investigation report system in China. The mode of "report subject-report object" of our country's technical investigation report system can choose "people's procuratorate-people's Congress" mode; With regard to the contents of the report, the text of the annual work report of the people's Procuratorate and the report of the extraterritorial technical investigation may be used for reference, and the implementation and practical effect of the technical investigation can be emphatically reflected; The report should be in the form of an annual written report, which shall be submitted regularly by the people's Procuratorate to the people's Congress. If there is confidential information in the text of the report, it should be processed before it can be submitted... in order to facilitate public supervision. After deliberation by the people's Congress, the text of the report may be made publicly available to the public through the mainstream media.


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