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发布时间:2018-01-03 06:09

  本文关键词:我国刑事证人出庭作证制度的问题及其完善研究 出处:《江西财经大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 刑事证人 出庭作证 检察机关

【摘要】:刑事证人出庭难已成为我国司法实践中影响司法公正越来越突出的问题之一,如何解决该问题是我国司法工作者急需研究的课题之一。因笔者在检察机关工作,本文主要从检察机关的角度出发,首先论述了刑事证人出庭作证对于我国刑事诉讼法来说是非常必要的,并说明了刑事证人出庭作证对公诉工作和职务犯罪侦查工作具有积极意义,其理论基础为直接言词原则(principle of direct trial)和传闻证据规则(Hearsay Rule)。接着,本文概述了刑事证人的范围包括了一般刑事证人和警察、鉴定人、有专门知识的人,但是本文主要探讨的是一般刑事证人出庭难的问题,分析其原因,找准检察机关在刑事证人出庭作证制度中的定位及其作用。最后,大胆构想了检察机关应从八个方面构建相关制度以保障刑事证人出庭作证制度的有效落实。
[Abstract]:The criminal witness has become one of the most difficult in the judicial practice of our country justice increasingly prominent problem, how to solve the problem is one of the urgent need to research judicial workers in our country. Because I work in the procuratorial organs, this article mainly from the perspective of the procuratorial organs, first discusses the criminal witness in criminal litigation in our country method is very necessary, and that the witness is of positive significance to the duty crime investigation and criminal witness, the theoretical basis for the principle of direct verbal (principle of direct trial) and the hearsay rule (Hearsay Rule). Then, this paper outlines the scope of criminal witness includes general criminal witnesses and police that expert, with specialized knowledge, but this article is mainly on the difficult problem of general criminal witness, analysis of its causes, identify the procuratorial organs In the system of criminal witness appearing in court, the position and function of criminal witness in court are presented. Finally, the procuratorial organ should be constructed from eight aspects to ensure the effective implementation of the system of criminal witness appearing in court.



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