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发布时间:2018-01-04 04:06

  本文关键词:论我国死刑犯的会见权 出处:《广西大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 死刑犯 死刑执行程序 会见权 亲属

【摘要】:随着人权思想的传播,人道主义深入人心,死刑犯权利的保护成为人们关注的焦点。在呼吁人性回归的今天,死刑犯的会见权成为备受社会争议的话题,由于思想观念的桎梏,会见制度的缺失以及执法人员的不规范执法,客观条件的制约,导致死刑犯及其亲属在死刑执行前不能如愿相见。 本文采用案例分析法、比较分析法、语义分析法等方法,通过法条和案例的分析,梳理死刑犯的会见权的概念、特点、功能等基本理论,在分析国内外发展现状的基础上,发现实践中存在问题以及原因,提出相应的完善措施保障死刑犯会见权的实现。 本文从以下几个部分对该问题论述: 引言,通过曾成杰死刑执行案引出文章的话题,对该案进行简单的分析,找出问题的关键所在,即本文的论点。 第一部分,结合司法解释第423条对会见权的主体和内容,概括概念,通过对权利特点、功能的分析,准确把握死刑犯的会见权的重要性, 第二部分,对美国、日本的死刑犯会见权的简单介绍,了解国外该权利保护状况,通过对我国建国以来在立法和司法实践中发展的阐述,分析我国死刑犯会见权的现状。 第三部分,在第三部分的基础上,找出我国死刑犯会见权存在问题的表现,并从思想观念、制度设计、客观条件三方面对问题的原因进行分析。 第四部分,结合国内外立法和司法实践的经验,提出完善建议,主要涉及思想认识、会见程序、监督和责任制度以及物质条件的改善等。
[Abstract]:With the spread of the idea of human rights, humanitarian support, protection of the rights of the condemned to become the focus of attention in the appeal to the return of humanity today, condemned the meeting right has become a social issue, because of the shackles of ideas, with lack of system and law enforcement officers do not standardize law enforcement, objective conditions, lead to death and relatives on the death penalty can't be met before.
This paper uses the method of case analysis, comparative analysis, semantic analysis and other methods, through the analysis of the law and the case, the concept of combing the death row met with the right characteristics, basic theory of function, based on the analysis of the development status at home and abroad, to found the problem and reason existing in practice, put forward to realize the right of meeting measures to improve the security of death penalty accordingly.
This article discusses the problem from the following parts:
The introduction, through the death penalty execution case of Zeng Jie, leads to the topic of the article, carries on the simple analysis to this case, finds out the key point of the problem, that is the argument of this article.
The first part, combined with the 423rd judicial interpretations, summarizes the concept of the subjects and contents of the right to meet. Through the analysis of the characteristics and functions of the right, we can accurately grasp the importance of the right to meet with the death penalty.
The second part briefly introduces the right to meet the death penalty of the United States and Japan, and understands the status of the protection of foreign rights. By analyzing the development of legislation and judicial practice since the founding of PRC, it analyzes the status of the death penalty criminals' right to meet in China.
The third part, on the basis of the third part, finds out the problems of the death penalty criminals' right to meet in China, and analyzes the causes of the problems from three aspects: ideology, system design and objective conditions.
The fourth part, combined with the experience of legislation and judicial practice at home and abroad, puts forward suggestions for improvement, mainly involving ideological understanding, meeting procedure, supervision and responsibility system, and improvement of material conditions.



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