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发布时间:2018-01-08 00:23

  本文关键词:论民事诉讼中鉴定意见的证据效力 出处:《吉林大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 民事诉讼 鉴定意见 证据效力

[Abstract]:Expert opinion as China's civil eight kinds of legal evidence, through solving the case of specialized problems, to help the judge correctly identified the facts of the case, the judge is the basis for finding the facts, plays an important role in the facts of the case, the expert opinion has important significance in the process of litigation. With the 2012 new "Civil Procedure Law > changes, to further expand the parties to the identification start right to apply to fully protect the legal rights of the parties, the appraisal conclusion to the expert opinion, highlights the evidence attribute, the provisions of the expert testimony system, increase the appraiser responsibility, added the expert assistant system, realize the equality against both parties. Although the provisions on the identification system in our civil procedure law is becoming more perfect, in the process of litigation also plays a more and more An important role. But we should also see that although the expert opinion is a kind of evidence is often used in civil litigation, but in judicial practice for the use of expert opinion has many problems, the relevant provisions of the existing law expert opinion still cannot meet the needs of judicial practice. This paper is based on the "Civil Procedure Law" and the relevant laws, through historical and comparative analysis method, on the basis of common law and civil law the relevant provisions on the different provisions of different countries on the expert opinion evidence, learn from the reasonable points, to discover China's existing identification system is not perfect, and then put forward the corresponding solution first. By comparing the two legal identification program, found each advantages and disadvantages from, based on lessons and experiences, focuses on the analysis of starting program in China in the identification. Identification of impact on evidence for the effectiveness of the program on the basis of the analysis, found the defects and shortcomings of our identification settings and make our identification start right setting suggestions, gradually limit the powers of the court, to exclude improper intervention on the parties to appeal. In the startup programs should fully respect the wishes of the parties, giving the parties the right to relief, to maximize the protection of the rights of the parties. The second is the analysis of the expert opinion evidence procedure, through the analysis of the civil law and common law expert opinion evidence procedure, the objectivity of evidence, focus on quality certification procedures of our expert opinion of the three aspects of relevance and legitimacy are analyzed. Comparison and analysis of mining problems the provisions of the two legal systems expert evidence, expert opinion on China's evidence analysis, from the authenticity of expert opinion, relevance and legitimacy of the three aspects The effectiveness of expert opinion evidence review. In the analysis of China's laws on the basis of the expert opinion evidence of the effectiveness of the proposed regulations obviously missing, perfecting the expert opinion evidence of the effect of the provisions of the proposal, discussion on the establishment of validity rules of expert opinion evidence, and perfect the system of expert opinion by identified and adopted the standard of expert opinion evidence review of the validity of the judge and certification rules, to ensure the free evaluation of evidence disclosure, perfecting the expert opinion evidence rules, to achieve the role of substantive justice through the expert opinion to confirm the validity of evidence in civil litigation, so as to realize the pursuit of efficiency value. The new "Civil Procedure Law > although testify obligations of appraiser, clear it does not appear the legal consequences, but the identification of human practice is almost not to appear in court practice, through the identification of people does not appear to affect the validity of evidence points Based on the analysis, put forward to establish expert system perfection, identification of flexible court system, to take a variety of ways to improve the security system, judicial appraiser, to ensure that the rights of confrontation of the parties, taking into account the efficiency and fairness of the judicial idea. To solve the problem of lack of the newly established expert assistant system the proposed expert assistant system suggestions, provide a basis and reference for the specific case. Finally, due to the law of our country to the expert opinion evidence how the effectiveness of the provisions of the blank, the court in the judicial practice different opinions on self identification of the attitude is not the same, in order to make better use of self identification to resolve disputes the role of how to make self identification of legalization and how to identify the parties to expert opinions are discussed, in order to construct a reasonable appraisal system for the parties themselves Help.



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