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发布时间:2018-01-08 04:01

  本文关键词:论举证时限制度中的法官自由裁量权 出处:《上海交通大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 民事诉讼 举证时限制度 法官自由裁量权

[Abstract]:The system of evidence is the core of the civil litigation system, and the system of the time limit of proof is the guarantee of the exercise of the system of evidence. What kind of role does the discretion of the judge play in the system of the time limit of proof? The Civil procedure Law and the interpretation of the Civil procedure Law both provide for this, but there are no further implementation rules or academic viewpoints. This paper takes this as the object of discussion, the author through literature research. Combining the theory with the practical trial experience, this paper discusses the change and development of the connotation of the time limit of proof system and the gradual establishment of the judge's discretion. Further standardizes the application of the judge's discretion in the system of the time limit of proof, and formally establishes the principle of taking the right of proof without losing. On the other hand, the judge's discretion is the basic attribute and essential requirement of the judge's profession, and its proper exercise is to settle the dispute fairly and reasonably. It is of great significance to promote the realization of social justice. Through the method of case analysis and description, the author clarifies the applicable rules of discretion in the system of time limit of proof. And the problems and root causes in judicial practice are analyzed and summarized, and put forward the right to exercise the corresponding discretion of the requirements and some suggestions for reasonable regulation. It is beneficial to unify the discretion scale in the system of time limit of proof, which reflects the innovation of this paper, in order to be helpful.


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