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发布时间:2018-01-08 10:08

  本文关键词:我国非诉行政执行制度研究 出处:《新疆大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 非诉行政执行 行政强制执行模式 完善建议

[Abstract]:Administrative enforcement in essence is the way to realize the administrative processing, administrative enforcement of non litigation administrative enforcement of China is an important component of the system, the court based model means that the non litigation administrative cases must have a considerable amount in the judicial practice in our country. The administrative enforcement mode while absorbing foreign experience. But not completely fit the actual situation, in practice, is also facing many problems. The current non lawsuit administrative execution system not only affects the administrative efficiency, increase the burden of the court, but also in the judicial review, cut executive separation has been relatively human rights relief has many shortcomings. To summarize the analysis of these problems, so as to further improvement and development of the non litigation administrative execution system and put forward feasible suggestions. The purpose of this paper is the main part of this thesis is divided into four chapters, the main content of each chapter is this: The first chapter is the introduction of strong administrative execution mode, a comprehensive introduction to the administrative enforcement mode, which leads to China's administrative enforcement in the implementation of the court, the administrative authority shall perform auxiliary ", then analysis the advantages and disadvantages of this mode. The second chapter introduces our country about the non litigation administrative enforcement regulations; from the main body, the implementation of non litigation scope, four aspects of administrative enforcement procedures and normal relations were introduced. The third chapter analyzes the problems of non litigation administrative enforcement system in our country. The fourth chapter is the focus of this paper, put forward some feasible suggestions for perfecting the non litigation administrative execution. The right to perform rational allocation, improve the judicial review, the establishment of cutting hold separation principles and rights of the administrative relative person relief four issues to be focused on.



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