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发布时间:2018-01-09 08:23

  本文关键词:民事诉讼中摸索证明研究 出处:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 摸索证明 证据收集 辩论主义 民事诉讼证据

[Abstract]:Generally speaking, the parties should clarify the facts to be proved and evidence method is put forward in the application of evidence, but in practice, will encounter the parties to present evidence for the facts to be proved not clear and evidence method, the parties can put forward the general, abstract evidence application, the court attempted to launch evidence investigation, obtain evidence from the hands of the other party, and the evidence to support or supplement their own ideas, it is proved that exploration situation. That means the parties in the exploration is not to prove the facts and evidence of circumstances, to obtain relevant information for evidence for the purpose. "Groping proof" comes from Germany, is not a legal term, but the concept of a method of hermeneutics, which are developed in the theoretical research and practice, civil law countries and regions early traditional debate based on the specific obligation, the principle of good faith etc. In consideration of the ban exploration proves, with the social trend of the emergence of litigation, the amendment adversary, all kinds of modern litigation to prove that emerge in an endless stream, groping attitude began to change, no longer is absolutely prohibited, but tend to be relatively mild, this change in attitude that has its application value that way. The prosecution accepted system China's civil litigation, evidence investigation system of the application, there are many problems in the system of preservation of evidence, and that the introduction of exploration has important significance to solve these problems, explore that introduced is of great value to our country's civil litigation evidence system. In the analysis of existing problems and puts forward relevant evidence system introduced to prove the necessity of groping after to investigate, in the civil procedure in China should explore how to introduce the proof. The article is divided into five parts: the first part introduces the basic situation of the certificate of exploration Condition is analyzed. Explore a proof of concept meaning, some basic characteristics of exploration proved determined through the analysis of the proof of concept exploration, followed by the introduction of the main countries and regions of the civil law scholars for the classification of groping proof, finally through the class basis and reasons for these studies, this paper comments on classification groping proof. The second part introduces the history of exploration that the attitude of civil law countries and regions. The introduction is mainly to ease the performance and analysis the reason of change. The attitude that early exploration of civil law countries and regions take the absolute prohibition principle is mainly based on the traditional adversary, the specific obligation and the principle of good faith and other factors into consideration. And since the modern times continue to emerge, the social action thought, corrected to some extent based on the traditional adversary in this case, the judge's interpretation right to As the duty of cooperation, as well as the true obligation of the parties litigation economy and promote the five major factors, civil law countries and regions is no longer the absolute prohibition of exploration that is recognized to some extent that exploration. This paper introduces Germany, Japan and Taiwan of China on the exploration of conciliatory performance. That indicated in part third of exploration proved attitude. Pointed out the existence of civil litigation in our country the specific problems in the system, at the same time, analysis of China's introduction of exploration proved the possibility and necessity. Firstly, China's introduction of groping proof position, followed by the analysis of our existing civil litigation system in the specific problems, mainly in the prosecution system for the admissibility of evidence investigation and application system the system of preservation of evidence and evidence exchange system in China is not a problem. Once again, the continental law system countries, not to debate as a civil lawsuit The basic principle of litigation, take the principle of cooperation in the process of litigation, so that our country introduces exploration possible. Finally, proof of civil litigation system in China is introduced to prove the necessity of groping, groping demonstrated its unique value in China's contemporary civil litigation, mainly embodied in the adaptation of modern lawsuit, clear the object of proof make up, the allocation of the burden of proof is insufficient and the expansion of the evidence collection ability and so on. The fourth part discusses the exploration that concrete construction of civil litigation in China. Firstly, clarify the legal standard of proof on the second fumble fumble, that in cases of type analysis, finally according to the above analysis of the existing system, discusses how to apply error proof in the civil litigation system.



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