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发布时间:2018-01-09 12:38

  本文关键词:尼日利亚海事诉讼协议管辖制度研究 出处:《湘潭大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 尼日利亚 海事诉讼协议管辖 协议选择法院 效力

[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization and integration, the economic and trade exchanges between China and African countries are getting closer and more frequent, and the investment projects and trade exchanges between Chinese enterprises in Nigeria are increasing day by day. Maritime trade frictions and conflicts will inevitably arise, and maritime disputes and disputes will increase. Once disputes arise, it becomes the first issue to be resolved by which court jurisdiction to submit the dispute. And the agreement jurisdiction system as one of the main ways of maritime jurisdiction, without violating the exclusive jurisdiction, the parties can choose the court of dispute settlement by agreement. In order to protect the legitimate interests of Chinese enterprises in Nepal. To solve the maritime disputes between the parties, we need to study the Nigerian maritime litigation agreement jurisdiction system and make full use of this system to protect the rights and interests of Chinese enterprises. It has a general understanding of the jurisdiction system of the maritime litigation agreement in Nigeria. Mainly from the historical development of the jurisdiction system of the maritime litigation agreement in Nigeria, the validity of the jurisdiction agreement is recognized. The application of the jurisdiction agreement, the evaluation of the Nigerian maritime litigation system and the impact on our country are discussed. Firstly, the historical development of the jurisdiction system of the Nigerian maritime litigation agreement is mentioned. It is particularly important to emphasize that Nigeria was once a British colony, when the British colonists transplanted many British legal systems to Nigeria during their rule. Therefore, Nigeria's legal system is greatly influenced by English law, especially the Colonial Maritime Court Act promulgated in 1890. Then it analyzes the validity of the jurisdiction agreement in the agreement jurisdiction system and determines whether the agreement is effective or not. Then consider whether the maritime dispute of the parties is within the jurisdiction of the court selected by the agreement, and if it is within its jurisdiction, how the court will apply the laws and regulations as well as the international convention. Finally, it evaluates the jurisdiction system of Nigerian maritime litigation agreement, analyzes the characteristics, shortcomings and development prospects of Nigeria maritime litigation agreement jurisdiction system. And the impact on Chinese enterprises. Because the jurisdiction of the agreement respects the will of the parties themselves, the parties are more willing to decide on their own dispute settlement court. It makes the jurisdiction system of maritime litigation agreement become one of the most effective and representative systems to solve maritime disputes. At the same time, agreement jurisdiction is one of the most common jurisdiction methods. The jurisdiction system of maritime litigation agreement plays an important role in the effective settlement of maritime disputes.


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