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发布时间:2018-01-10 18:19

  本文关键词:消费者协会公益诉讼制度研究 出处:《湖南师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 消费者 消费者协会 公益诉讼 消费者权利

[Abstract]:China Consumer Association of public interest litigation, Chinese refers to Consumer Association, above the provincial Consumers Association of producers, operators against the legitimate rights and interests of many consumers to the people's court lawsuit. The dual nature of public interest litigation to protect the interests of Consumers Association has the particularity of subject of action, the social impact of controversial points, prevention etc. the characteristics of the disputed amount particularity and damage the interests of Consumers Association. Public interest litigation is conducive to the protection of consumers' right to even bargain, illegal acts against large enterprises, to make up for lack of administrative law enforcement. The Consumer Association of public interest litigation system in our country there are many problems in the subject of litigation system, is unknown the Consumer Association, the Consumers Association of independence is not strong, lack of professional consumer associations in the proceedings, Performance for the plaintiff, the burden of proof is not reasonable, the scope of validity of judgment is unknown, the case acceptance fee sharing unreasonable, the limitation of action is not clear; in the aspect of system security litigation, public interest litigation reflects the Consumers Association of insufficient funds, the Consumers Association of public interest litigation is lack of incentive and restraint mechanisms. Based on this, the Consumers Association of public interest litigation system China needs to be improved from the following aspects: the subject of litigation system, Consumers Association of independent non-governmental organization status, improve the professional association of consumers; for the procedure, broadening the range of the main prosecution, reverse the burden of proof, the expansion of the scope of validity of judgment, reasonable distribution of the case acceptance fee, extend the limitation for system security; the establishment of public interest litigation litigation, Consumer Association legal aid fund system and the Consumers Association of public interest litigation incentive and restraint mechanisms.



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4 姚sヒ,




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