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发布时间:2018-01-11 08:18

  本文关键词:行政非诉案件执行机制研究 出处:《吉林大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 行政非诉 非诉执行 运行机制 执行程序

[Abstract]:The enforcement of administrative cases can be divided into two types: non-litigation administrative execution and administrative litigation enforcement. Administrative non-litigation enforcement system refers to the administrative organs after making administrative decisions, the counterpart (that is, citizens). Legal persons and other organizations) have neither reviewed nor initiated proceedings within the statutory time limit, nor have they fulfilled or fully fulfilled their obligations under the administrative decision. In 80s, the establishment of administrative litigation system and the development of reform and opening up gradually formed this system after more than 20 years. The development of. It has become an important means to enforce the administrative obligations of the administrative counterpart (mainly reflected in the administrative decision cases of administrative punishment), and has played an important role in administrative management in recent years. With the continuous improvement of the construction of the rule of law in China, the number of cases of non-prosecution execution is increasing, but because of the late development of this system, the lack of theoretical research, coupled with the system construction is not perfect. As a result, the administrative non-litigation execution mode can not meet the needs in practice, and various drawbacks have become increasingly prominent. The operational mechanism of administrative non-litigation execution needs to be improved urgently. Compared with this, there is no clear concept of administrative non-litigation enforcement in foreign countries. However, the theory of administrative non-litigation enforcement system has been more mature. Outside the more mature mode of non-litigation administrative execution. There are mainly the judicial leading execution mode represented by Britain and the United States and the executive-led execution mode represented by Germany and Japan. This paper summarizes and arranges a large number of research materials. Starting with the connotation of the administrative non-litigation enforcement system, this paper analyzes the theoretical basis and nature of the system, and learns to learn from the effective operation mode of foreign countries. Find out the problems existing in the actual operation of the administrative non-litigation system in our country, and put forward the idea of improving the effective operation of this mechanism. In order to promote the development of administrative non-litigation enforcement system in China, this paper mainly discusses from the following four aspects, first, from the theoretical analysis of this system. Combining with the definition of concepts and theories in relevant laws and regulations of our country, this paper interprets the system of enforcement of non-litigation from the perspective of theory. Referring to the relevant theories and models of foreign countries, it makes a preliminary exposition on the system of enforcement of administrative non-litigation. Secondly. The provisions of the Administrative procedure Law of the people's Republic of China and the Administrative compulsory Law of the people's Republic of China are adopted. This paper analyzes the system of administrative non-litigation in our country. Combined with the investigation data in practice, it deeply analyzes the current situation of the implementation of administrative non-litigation in China, and focuses on the outstanding problems existing in the operation of this mechanism in our country. Again. Detailed analysis of the need to improve the administrative non-litigation implementation mechanism, that is, to adapt to the centralized administrative cases jurisdiction provisions, to maintain the neutrality of adjudication, to improve efficiency and so on. Finally, to meet the actual needs of our non-litigation implementation. Based on the mature experience of foreign countries, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to improve the operation mechanism of non-litigation enforcement cases in our country.


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