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发布时间:2018-01-11 11:18

  本文关键词:论民事诉讼中的当事人陈述 出处:《华东政法大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 当事人陈述 诉讼资料 证据资料 当事人听取 当事人询问

【摘要】: 民事诉讼,其实质是一种纠纷解决机制。通过所有诉讼参与人的活动,从而达到纠纷解决的目的。而纠纷之所以能够得到合法公正的处理,其原因在于法官依据通过合法程序认定的、能够正确反映案件事实的证据,正确查明了案件事实。正确查明案件事实是法官能够公正处理纠纷、正确适用法律的前提条件。故而证据的重要性对于民事诉讼而言是不言而喻的。当前,在诉讼爆炸的大背景下,在公正与效率的司法主题下,如何正确、高效的运用证据,是一个重大而又急迫的课题。 当事人陈述作为七种法定证据形式之一,本应受到与其他证据种类相同的重视与运用,但由于我国民事诉讼立法的粗糙,加之当事人陈述其自身所具有的不同于其他证据形式的显著特质,无论在理论研究还是司法实践中都处于可有可无的尴尬境地,这与当事人具有重要的诉讼主体地位也不相符。本文正是基于对当事人陈述作为法定证据形式重要性的把握,期望通过本文的论述能够为当事人陈述争取其应有地位,从而发挥其应有功能。 第一章为本文的总论部分,意图为后面的讨论奠定理论基础。从当事人陈述这一术语的构成着手,系统分析了当事人陈述的概念、性质、特征、功能、分类以及与民事诉讼模式的关系,期望达到正本清源的效果。 第二章从立法和司法实践两个角度对当事人陈述在我国的弱势地位做了彻底的反思,并系统分析了这一尴尬局面背后的深刻原因,以期在后面的制度重构中能够做到对症下药。 第三章为当事人陈述制度的比较分析。在国外,依据当事人陈述在民事诉讼中所发挥的不同功能而相应设立了当事人听取制度和当事人询问制度。这两种制度的设立为当事人陈述价值的发挥奠定了程序基础。通过本章的分析,以期为我国当事人陈述制度的重构提供可借鉴的素材。 第四章为本文的重点部分,探讨的核心问题即从理论应当性和现实可能出发,探讨如何正确构建我国的当事人陈述制度。提出在确立辩论原则和吸收当事人主义合理内核的基础上,引入当事人听取制度和当事人询问制度,以此充分发掘当事人陈述对民事诉讼的阐明案情和证明案件事实的作用。 结语为全文的总结部分,回顾了本文的研究思路与研究内容。
[Abstract]:Civil litigation, in essence, is a dispute settlement mechanism. Through the activities of all participants in the proceedings, the purpose of dispute resolution can be achieved. And the dispute can be dealt with legally and fairly. The reason lies in the fact that the judge can correctly reflect the facts of the case and correctly identify the facts of the case, and that the judge can deal with the dispute fairly. Therefore, the importance of evidence is self-evident for civil litigation. At present, in the context of litigation explosion, under the judicial theme of justice and efficiency, how to correct. The efficient use of evidence is a major and urgent task. As one of the seven legal forms of evidence, the statement of the parties should have received the same attention and application as other kinds of evidence, but due to the rough legislation of civil procedure in our country. In addition, the parties themselves have different from the significant characteristics of other forms of evidence, no matter in the theoretical research or judicial practice are in an awkward situation. This is not in line with the important status of the litigant. This paper is based on the statement of the parties as a statutory form of evidence to grasp the importance. It is expected that this paper can strive for its due status for the parties to state, so as to give play to its due function. The first chapter is the general part of this paper, with the intention of laying a theoretical foundation for the following discussion. From the composition of the term "statement of the parties", this paper systematically analyzes the concept, nature, characteristics and functions of the statements of the parties. The classification and the relationship with the mode of civil action are expected to achieve the effect of clearing up the source. The second chapter makes a thorough reflection on the weak position of the parties in our country from the perspective of legislation and judicial practice, and systematically analyzes the profound reasons behind this embarrassing situation. In order to achieve the right remedy in the system reconstruction. The third chapter is the comparative analysis of the statement system of the parties. According to the different functions of the parties' statements in civil proceedings, this paper sets up the hearing system of the parties and the inquiry system of the parties. The establishment of the two systems lays a procedural foundation for the exertion of the value of the parties' statements. Through the analysis of this chapter. In order to provide reference material for the reconstruction of party statement system in our country. Chapter 4th is the key part of this paper, the core of the discussion is from the theoretical should and the reality of the possible start. This paper probes into how to correctly construct the system of party statement in our country. On the basis of establishing the principle of debate and absorbing the reasonable kernel of party doctrine, the system of hearing and questioning of the parties is introduced. In order to fully explore the parties to the statement of civil action to clarify the case and prove the role of the facts of the case. The conclusion is the summary of the full text, and reviews the research ideas and contents of this paper.


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1 薛晓慧;当事人陈述制度研究[D];苏州大学;2012年




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