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发布时间:2018-01-15 08:44

  本文关键词:刑事财产刑适用问题及其对策研究 出处:《广东外语外贸大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 刑事财产刑 适用 对策 完善

[Abstract]:In order to combat corrupt crime more effectively, the theory and Practice for the research and exploration of criminal property punishment has not been interrupted in the criminal law to expand the background of "criminal punishment of property, in recent years the study of criminal property punishment will slowly become a hot spot. To deprive criminals of all or part of the property the criminal penalty of property through, can effectively achieve the purpose of punishment. It reduces the cross infection of short-term free punishment for criminals to cause, overcome the short-term free punishment deterrent to potential criminals and effectively avoid shortcomings of the characteristics of the death penalty execution after irreparable mistake, which makes the criminal penalty become property punishment although there is a trend. Against the applicable criminal punishment of property such as voice, most countries in the world have abolished the criminal property punishment, property punishment in the criminal penalty of confiscation of property The loss of innocent implicated offenders for families, property punishment for offenders to make life difficult, hard to return to the secondary reason the normal social life. But on balance, the criminal punishment property in our country for a long time in the future, will play an irreplaceable role in the penalty. This paper analyzes all kinds of problems the criminal punishment property in China encountered in the implementation process, in-depth analysis of the criminal penalty of property in legislation and practice problems, summarize and find out the main source of resistance. Based on the analysis of the reasons, combined with the actual Chinese and other countries in the world and puts forward corresponding measures, explains the method of criminal property the execution of the penalty problem, put forward their own proposals. It is suggested that there are two main dimensions, the first is to perfect the criminal execution of property penalty procedures, the second is to improve the relevant supporting system. Finally through the knot A systematic summary of the full text.



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