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发布时间:2018-01-20 14:09

  本文关键词: 疲劳 非法证据排除 认定标准 侦查讯问 法律规制 出处:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts. The first part is the origin of fatigue trial problems. Fatigue is the typical form of interrogation of criminal suspects deprived of sleep and rest, sleep deprivation and the rest will be combined with other coercive interrogation techniques in certain circumstances. The suspect denied fatigue trial proceedings subject status, may lead to false confessions, is the essence of law violation, reduce legal authority. Fatigue trial investigators are favored, mainly because there is a set of social acceptance "means the compulsory interrogation of moderate, current interrogation regulation modes are insufficient, and the fatigue trial can also effectively break. The explanatory documents clearly. The fatigue trial received confession should be excluded, but did not make the definition of fatigue trial. The second part is the practice on the fatigue trial problems. Explain the documents specified fatigue illegal interrogation methods, but did not form a real fatigue trial in the confrontation between the two sides. The court in determining whether a fatigue trial, the main criteria include whether more than the legal interrogation time, whether to protect the reasonable necessary rest, but the law just no time and the necessary rest made of interrogation clearly defined. The law, cognizance of inquisition by torture and other illegal methods cannot effectively guide the definition of fatigue trial judicial interpretation, mainly because of the interrogation time and the external scars reflected by "pain and suffering" compared to cognitive impairment, need standard fatigue trial clearly. The third part is the standard fatigue trial most scholars think that it should clear time limit of fatigue trial, but did not prove the time limit and the existing judicial interpretations "The inquisition by torture and other illegal methods to define the relationship between the comparison method. The experience shows that the main basis that pretrial confession is not recoverable damage interrogation methods of the person questioned free will, instead of it to the person questioned caused severe pain or pain related to fatigue trial did not the exception. In the criminal procedure in China, the main task is to get the investigation stage to confession through interrogation, the investigation organs can control the suspect more than 48 hours; if the detention of neutrality can not be guaranteed, the suspect to keep after investigators can still control their sleep and rest, which provides a convenient the conditions for the trial. The trial even without fatigue fatigue caused by such as inquisition by torture General Grievous, also because of cognitive decline caused by fatigue and lead to false confessions, therefore, fatigue trial Standard hearing should not be "pain or suffering" should be limited. Time limit: if there is no clear fatigue trial special, continuous interrogation for more than 12 hours, not 24 hours during the period of guarantee continuous 6 hours of rest, can not protect the suspect presumed necessary rest time, the statement should be excluded. The fourth part is the prevention of fatigue trial. Only a clear time limit, no supporting mechanism safeguard, also can not effectively curb fatigue. The duration of trial should strictly control the court stage, more than 48 hours and not a reasonable explanation can be presumed to exist illegal donor; should carry out interrogation synchronized audio and video recording system, and gradually realize the whole process of interrogation audio and video in all cases. The investigators self fatigue interrogation methods, reflect the way to obtain confessions limitations, need to develop the technical specifications of interrogation, Play the guiding role, also need to further improve the voluntary confession incentive mechanism. To stop the illegal donor fatigue trial means, the key lies in the implementation of "the privilege against self incrimination" principle, respect the suspect's lawsuit status and rights, and the background in the implementation of "the trial center", for effective judicial review of interrogation activities.



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