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发布时间:2018-01-23 20:12

  本文关键词: 环保组织 环境公益诉讼 原告资格 出处:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increasingly serious environmental problems, environmental disputes are also increasing. Because environmental resources have the property of public property, they are enjoyed by the majority of the public. It is difficult to solve the increasing social disputes and make up for the environmental pollution by the existing prosecution and accusation system in our country. The damage caused by the destruction of resources. Therefore, it is urgent to establish the environmental public interest litigation system. To determine the plaintiff's qualification is the most important issue in the establishment of the environmental public interest litigation system. Environmental protection organizations based on the purpose of protecting resources and environment and public welfare. Since 2009, some environmental protection organizations have successfully brought environmental public interest litigation. In 2012, the new Civil procedure Law stipulated the environmental public interest litigation system for the first time, and recognized the plaintiff qualification of the environmental protection organization. It is also controversial that it is difficult to operate in practice. It is necessary to make more detailed provisions on this issue. In addition, based on the construction of environmental protection organizations and the institutional environment and other reasons. There are many obstacles for environmental protection organizations to participate in environmental public interest litigation in our country. This paper takes this as the starting point, combines the mature system and relevant experience of foreign countries and the current situation of domestic legislation, judicial practice and scholars' viewpoint. Apart from the introduction and conclusion, the paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the general theory of environmental public interest litigation and environmental organizations, introduced the concept of environmental public interest litigation, development history. Characteristics and the theoretical basis of plaintiff qualification, the concept of environmental protection organizations, characteristics and their advantages as plaintiffs of environmental public interest litigation. The second part studies the system and practice of extra-territorial environmental organizations participating in environmental public interest litigation. As the representative of case law, the United States, as the representative of case law, focuses on introducing two classic cases of litigation by environmental protection organizations, including the civil litigation system in the United States and the group action system in Europe. In Europe, legislation is the main part, and the relevant regulations of European countries and the European Union are sorted out. The environmental public interest litigation system of each country is compared and analyzed, and their similarities, differences and advantages and disadvantages are summed up. The third part examines the legislation status quo of plaintiff qualification in environmental public interest litigation in China, including both laws and local regulations. It includes both the existing laws and regulations, as well as the revised draft, and summarizes the legislative development process of our country. To find out the focus of the dispute. Part 4th examines the judicial practice of environmental public interest litigation initiated by environmental protection organizations in China. According to the different defendants, it is divided into environmental civil public interest litigation and environmental administrative public interest litigation. Different characteristics of typical cases, the status of our country's judicial summary. The last part is the focus of this article. This paper conceive the qualification of environmental protection organization as plaintiff of environmental public interest litigation in our country. Firstly, it introduces the current development of environmental protection organization in our country and the different viewpoints of academic circles on environmental protection organization as plaintiff of environmental public interest litigation. In line with domestic and foreign experience and lessons. The views are evaluated and the viewpoints of this paper are put forward. It includes two parts: setting up the specific conditions for environmental protection organizations to participate in environmental public interest litigation and revising the current management system of social organizations in China, hoping to provide some reference for the construction of environmental public interest litigation system in China.


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