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发布时间:2018-01-23 20:29

  本文关键词: 律师 会见权 侦查阶段 刑事诉讼 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在刑事诉讼中,由于多方面的原因,犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益往往得不到很好的保障,尤其是在侦查阶段,因此,这就需要各方采取措施给予有效保障。律师在侦查阶段行使会见权对于犯罪嫌疑人来说就是一项非常有效的权益保障措施,它可以为犯罪嫌疑人提供多方面的帮助。律师在此阶段介入,可以了解犯罪嫌疑人涉嫌的罪名和案件有关情况,听取犯罪嫌疑人对指控罪名的意见和辩解理由等等,从而可以更好地为其提供法律帮助。另外,辩护律师在此阶段介入行使会见权,对制约侦查权,保障犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益,,保障律师辩护职能的正常行使,实现刑事诉讼的目的起着非常重要的作用。 2012年3月通过了新修订的《刑事诉讼法》,就律师在侦查阶段行使辩护权的相关事项做了修改规定,尤其是对律师会见权的强化,成为这次修改的突出亮点之一。但是我们发现在这次新修改的刑事诉讼法中仍然存在着一些不足之处,且实践与理论出现脱节现象。在司法实践中,律师在侦查阶段及时、顺利地行使会见权仍然比较困难。 本文以J市的情况为例,对律师在侦查阶段行使会见权进行论述,正文共分三个部分。 第一部分主要介绍了新刑诉法颁布实施以来,J市律师在侦查阶段行使会见权的总体状况,了解实践当中律师行使诉讼权利的具体情况,有哪些特点。 第二部分主要是论述在实践当中,律师在侦查阶段行使会见权时存在的一些问题,主要包括不能及时会见到犯罪嫌疑人、会见的时间和次数受限、与侦查人员沟通不顺畅等等,进而分析出现这些问题的原因,包括主观和客观两个方面,为下一步完善相关法规制度做准备。 第三部分主要是提出对侦查阶段律师行使会见权的进一步完善。主要包括立法上的完善和制度上的完善,立法上的完善包括明确犯罪嫌疑人的会见权、确立律师在场权、完善律师会见权救济制度;制度上的完善包括改革羁押监管体制、建立司法审查制度,完善奖惩、考核制度。另外,还要转变办案人员观念,提升办案人员和律师素质。
[Abstract]:In criminal proceedings, due to various reasons, the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects are often not well protected, especially in the investigation stage, so. This requires all parties to take measures to give effective protection. Lawyers in the investigation phase of the exercise of the right to meet with the suspect is a very effective protection of rights and interests. It can provide a variety of help for suspects. Lawyers in this stage of intervention, can understand the suspects suspected of the charges and cases related to the situation. Listen to the suspect's opinions and justifications of the charges, and so on, so as to better provide them with legal assistance. In addition, the defense lawyer in this stage to exercise the right to meet, to restrict the power of investigation. It plays an important role to protect the legal rights and interests of criminal suspects, to ensure the normal exercise of lawyers' defense function and to achieve the purpose of criminal proceedings. In March 2012, the newly revised Code of Criminal procedure was adopted, and the relevant provisions on the exercise of the right of defense by lawyers in the investigation stage were amended, especially the strengthening of the right of lawyers to meet with each other. Become one of the outstanding highlights of this revision. But we find that there are still some deficiencies in the new revised Criminal procedure Law, and the practice and theory appear disjointed phenomenon. In judicial practice. Lawyers in the investigation stage timely, the smooth exercise of the right to meet is still relatively difficult. Taking the case of J city as an example, this paper discusses the lawyer's right to interview in the investigation stage. The text is divided into three parts. The first part mainly introduces the general situation of lawyers' right of meeting in the investigation stage since the promulgation and implementation of the new Criminal procedure Law, and understands the specific situation and characteristics of lawyers' exercising their litigation rights in practice. The second part mainly discusses in practice, lawyers in the investigation stage of the exercise of the right to meet with some of the problems, mainly including the failure to see the suspects in time, meeting time and times of limited. Communication with investigators and so on, and then analyzes the causes of these problems, including subjective and objective aspects, for the next step to improve the relevant laws and regulations. The third part is mainly about the further improvement of the lawyer's right of meeting in the investigation stage, mainly including the perfection of legislation and system, and the perfection of legislation, including the clarification of the right of meeting of criminal suspects. Establishing lawyer's right to be present and perfecting the relief system of lawyer's right of meeting; The perfection of the system includes reforming the system of custody supervision, establishing the system of judicial review, perfecting the system of reward and punishment and examination, in addition, changing the concept of the personnel handling the case and improving the quality of the case handlers and lawyers.


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6 李忠诚;;律师会见权和阅卷权问题[J];人民检察;2008年07期




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