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发布时间:2018-01-24 15:25

  本文关键词: 民事执行 分配方案 异议制度 出处:《内蒙古大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:民事执行分配方案异议制度是参与分配制度发展的产物,是民事执行救济制度的组成部分。权利救济、程序正义以及权力制约三大理论是该制度的理论基础,而执行公正和执行效率则是该制度的价值追求。民事执行分配方案异议制度划分为程序性分配方案异议制度与实体性分配方案异议制度,即包括执行行为异议、分配方案异议(狭义)以及分配方案异议之诉三种方式。我国经过2007年的民事诉讼法的修改以及2008年执行程序司法解释的出台,正式建立了民事执行分配方案异议制度,这在我国民事执行立法上是一个重大突破和进步。然而,从建立到如今,我国的民事执行分配方案异议制度不仅在立法上存在许多内容的欠缺,还在司法操作中衍生出了诸多不规范的问题,这导致该制度并未如人们所期待般地发挥其最大作用。因此,本文以前人的研究成果为基础,通过比较借鉴外国及我国台湾地区的相关制度,结合民事诉讼的基本理论,针对制度中存在的问题提出一些建议,以期能够为民事执行分配方案异议制度的整体完善提供可参考的内容。本文共由四个部分组成: 第一部分对民事执行分配方案异议制度进行了理论研究。首先,介绍了民 事执行分配方案异议制度的产生、概念以及内容;其次,介绍了该制度的三大理论基础;再次,分析该制度所追求的两大法律价值;最后,介绍了学界关于该制度存在的几点争议。第二部分为民事执行分配方案异议制度的比较法考察。经过对德国、法国、 日本、韩国以及我国台湾地区相关立法内容的考察,总结这些国家及地区民事执行分配方案异议制度的特点及其可借鉴之处。 第三部分具体分析我国民事执行分配方案异议制度的立法现状与司法现状,发现该制度存在立法内容过于简略、具体操作不规范、法院审查处理随意等问题。 第四部分为我国民事执行分配方案异议制度的完善提供了具体建议。不仅要对程序性分配方案异议制度与实体性分配方案异议制度分别进行完善,还要,实施一些配套措施予以支持。
[Abstract]:The dissent system of civil execution distribution scheme is the product of participating in the development of distribution system, and it is the component of civil execution relief system. The three theories of right relief, procedural justice and power restriction are the theoretical basis of this system. Civil execution distribution scheme objection system can be divided into procedural distribution scheme objection system and substantive distribution scheme objection system, that is, execution behavior objection system. After the amendment of civil procedure law in 2007 and the judicial interpretation of execution procedure in 2008. The formal establishment of the civil execution distribution scheme objection system, which is a major breakthrough and progress in our civil execution legislation. However, from the establishment to now. The dissent system of civil execution distribution scheme in our country not only has many deficiencies in legislation, but also gives rise to many non-standard problems in the judicial operation. As a result, the system does not play its greatest role as expected. Therefore, based on the previous research results, this paper compares the relevant systems of foreign countries and Taiwan region. Combined with the basic theory of civil litigation, some suggestions are put forward in view of the problems in the system. In order to provide reference content for the whole perfection of the dissent system of civil execution distribution scheme, this paper consists of four parts: The first part has carried on the theoretical research to the civil execution distribution scheme dissent system. First, has introduced the people. The emergence, concept and content of the dissenting system of the distribution scheme; Secondly, it introduces the three theoretical bases of the system. Thirdly, it analyzes the two legal values pursued by the system. Finally, the author introduces some disputes about the system in academic circles. The second part is a comparative study of the dissent system of civil execution distribution scheme. Based on the investigation of relevant legislation in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, this paper summarizes the characteristics of the dissent system of civil execution and distribution scheme in these countries and regions and the points that can be used for reference. The third part concretely analyzes the legislation and judicial status of the dissent system of civil execution distribution scheme in China, and finds that the legislative content of this system is too brief and the concrete operation is not standard. The court examined and dealt with issues such as arbitrariness. The 4th part provides specific suggestions for the improvement of the objection system of the civil execution distribution scheme in China. It is necessary not only to perfect the objection system of the procedural distribution scheme and the objection system of the substantive distribution scheme, but also to improve the objection system of the substantive distribution scheme. The implementation of some supporting measures to support.


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