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发布时间:2018-01-24 18:19

  本文关键词: 未成年人犯罪记录封存制度 未成年前科消灭制度 法律衔接 出处:《天津师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:There is the "6.28" incident in Weng'an County, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, and the huge impact caused by Li Tianyi's case. It has aroused the attention of all social strata on juvenile delinquency cases, especially on how to try juvenile cases in the judicial field, which can not only make juvenile offenders get due punishment. And can help them reintegrate into society. With a series of juvenile delinquency how to deal with the introduction of documents and judicial practice departments in some regions of the elimination of juvenile delinquency and misdemeanor system after the practice of exploration. The new Criminal procedure Law draws experience from it and is based on the policy of "Education, Correction and Rescue", which is the basic principle that our criminal legislation and policy should always emphasize in handling juvenile criminal cases. Article 275 states: "if the crime is committed at the time of the offence, it is under the age of 18 and is sentenced to imprisonment of not more than five years." The relevant criminal records shall be sealed up. Where the criminal records are sealed up, they may not be provided to any unit or individual. Except where the judicial organ needs to handle a case or the units concerned carry out inquiries in accordance with the provisions of the state, the units conducting inquiries according to law. Sealed criminal records should be kept confidential... "this system, although much better than before. But from the system itself and compared with the system of other countries there are still many defects. Firstly, this paper introduces the legislative background and some experience gained from the pilot project. It also introduces the concept of juvenile criminal record sealing system in the legal system, criminal law, criminal procedure law, civil law. This paper analyzes the relevant articles of administrative law and studies the application of the system of sealing and keeping juvenile criminal records in the judicial practice of our country. Found the existence of juvenile criminal records seal system between the various departments can not link up between the defects and in the actual operation of the problem of confusion. Then study the provisions of foreign laws on juvenile criminal records. For example: in the civil law system, Germany and France are related to this system, and the United States and the United Kingdom in the common law system are related to this system. To analyze the causes of the defects of this system in our country and which foreign laws on this system can be transplanted to our country. Finally, in view of the above content, we analyze and understand its defects. Then some suggestions are put forward to make up for the defects of the system of closing and storing juvenile criminal records, to perfect the system of closing and storing juvenile criminal records in China and to lay a good foundation for the elimination system of juvenile criminal record in the future.


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