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发布时间:2018-01-24 19:14

  本文关键词: 司法责任制 法官职权 权责统一 审判分离 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Judicial responsibility system as a judicial reform not only requires judicial personnel to exercise their functions and powers in accordance with the law but also to assume responsibility when exercising their functions and powers in violation of the law. Under the background of deepening judicial reform, Xinhua authorized the publication of the opinions of the Supreme people's Court on perfecting the Judicial responsibility system of the people's Court in 2015. On 2016, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued a circular on "protecting judicial personnel from performing their legal duties according to law," implementing the judicial responsibility system to change the phenomenon of "separation of trials." Perfecting the system of ensuring the judges' functions and powers and ensuring the independent exercise of the judges' functions and powers have a certain role to promote, but there are still some problems widely criticized. In practice. First of all, the biggest obstacle to the independent exercise of judges' functions and powers comes from within the court, that is, the administrative issue of the operating mechanism of judicial power, which is highlighted by the proliferation of the examination and approval system of cases, which restricts the independent exercise of judges' jurisdiction. The expansion of the power of the judicial committee leads to unclear powers and responsibilities, and the promotion of the performance appraisal system shifts the focus of the exercise of the judges' functions and powers. Secondly, the limitations of the system of judicial accountability also hinder the implementation of the judicial responsibility system. For example, the jumbled form of judges' accountability blindly expands the scope of the pursuit of responsibility, the administrative process of accountability deprives the judge of the right to appeal, and the criterion of emphasizing the result over the behavior violates the law of justice. The most important thing is that the corresponding functions and powers of judges are still full of loopholes, and there are no legal provisions in the system of exemption from responsibility, which is closely related to judges, and realizing the unification of power and responsibility is a heavy and difficult point in the implementation of the judicial responsibility system. To study and analyze the reasons, we should not only adhere to the theory of people's sovereignty and the principle of judicial independence, but also pay equal attention to responsibility and punishment, and pay equal attention to responsibility and protection. The judicial committee system, the reform of the performance appraisal system, the main body of the judge's responsibility, the procedure of investigation, the reconstruction of the standard of investigation, the perfection of the judge's identity, salary, security system and the establishment of the exemption mechanism of responsibility. It is hoped to provide a useful reference for ensuring the exercise of judges' functions and powers, carrying out the legal responsibility system and realizing the unity of power and responsibility.


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