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发布时间:2018-01-24 21:59

  本文关键词: 个体网络借贷纠纷 诉讼解决机制 民刑并行 电子诉讼 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the individual network lending industry in the regulatory, integrity system in the absence of the environment of rapid development. The number of individual online loan disputes that are deeply integrated with the Internet has increased sharply and entered litigation in a large number. This has become an important factor hindering the development of the industry and affecting social stability on the one hand. On the other hand, based on the characteristics of the network, it brings challenges to the proceedings. The study of individual online loan dispute resolution has both theoretical and practical significance. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part. This paper expounds the basic characteristics of the current individual online loan disputes. The current individual online lending disputes present the network of information media, the complexity of legal relations, the rapid growth of the number, and the occurrence of the group. The network of information media is the most prominent characteristic of individual network loan dispute than traditional group dispute. Part two. Based on the causes of the disputes, the individual online lending disputes are divided into overdue disputes for borrowers and fraudulent disputes for platform violations. Platform system malfunction dispute. Three in the scale, dispute complexity, involved in the number of people. Based on the subject of creditor's claim, the individual internet loan dispute is divided into self-recourse dispute and transfer recourse dispute. The number of litigant parties and the professional ability of the two types of disputes are also different. The third part is the third part. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the process of litigation settlement of individual network loan disputes. The litigation cycle is too long, the group pressure is not resolved effectively, and the non-litigation procedure is difficult to play its role. The backwardness of online resolution mechanism is the main problem in the process of individual online loan dispute litigation. 4th part. From the point of view of the value subject, it is necessary to establish the proper solution to the individual network loan dispute litigation, and to take into account the overall situation. Among them, the proper solution is the internal value goal. It emphasizes the efficient trial of the court and the low burden of the litigant in the settlement of the individual network loan dispute. Taking into account the overall situation is the external value goal, emphasizing the individual network loan dispute litigation for the maintenance of social order and the guidance of industry governance. Part 5th. The author puts forward some countermeasures to adjust the litigation mechanism for the characteristics of individual network loan disputes. To perfect the individual network loan dispute litigation resolution mechanism, it should be clear that the location of the online loan platform can be used as the actual contact place of disputes, based on the "civil and criminal law parallel". The coexistence of civil and criminal law "coordinates the trial procedure of civil and criminal cross cases, awakes the representative litigation procedure, allows the arbitrary litigation between the lender and the network loan platform, gives full play to the utility of the two non-litigation procedures, and perfects the electronic litigation mechanism."


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