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发布时间:2018-01-25 07:51

  本文关键词: 刑事诉讼 非法口供 规则 出处:《中南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:口供在我国刑事证据体系中占有重要地位,导致冤假错案的主要原因之一就是非法获取口供。基于此,新刑事诉讼法增加非法证据排除规则,规制的重点是非法获取口供。 本文首先从湖南益阳的陈新平杀妻案入手,分析我国的非法口供排除制度运行现状,指出排除非法口供程序启动困难;案件审理程序形式化;二审救济不够等现状。再由修法后的司法实践中遇到的新情况指出监视居住的滥用也是今后庭审排除非法口供时,由被告提供证据面临的难题。 文章第二部分针对上文分析的现状,选取非法口供排除规则发展相对成熟的美国进行分析,考察了美国非法口供排除制度的理论发展,排除程序的启动等内容。文章最后结合我国实际,提出了完善我国非法口供排除规则的建议。指出需要完善相关法律法规;最为重要的是要使法官在审判案件时贯彻“疑罪从无”的理念,抛弃原有的有罪思维,用无罪思维来对待被告人,用制度来保障法官敢于启动排除非法口供程序。只有这样我们才能在刑事诉讼中更好的保障被告人的人权。
[Abstract]:Confessions play an important role in the criminal evidence system of our country, and one of the main reasons leading to false and false cases is the illegal obtaining of confessions. Based on this, the new criminal procedure law adds the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence. The focus of regulation is to obtain confessions illegally. This article begins with Chen Xinping's wife killing case in Yiyang, Hunan Province, analyzes the current situation of illegal confession exclusion system in our country, and points out that it is difficult to start the procedure of excluding illegal confession. Formalization of trial procedure; From the new situation in judicial practice after the revision of the law, it is pointed out that the abuse of surveillance residence is also a difficult problem for the defendant to provide evidence when the illegal confession is ruled out in the future trial. The second part of the article analyzes the current situation of the above analysis, select the United States, where the rule of illegal confession exclusion is relatively mature, and investigate the theoretical development of the exclusion system of illegal confession in the United States. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the exclusion rules of illegal confession in our country, and points out that it is necessary to perfect the relevant laws and regulations. The most important thing is to make the judge to carry out the concept of "suspect crime from nothing", abandon the original guilty thinking, and treat the accused with the innocent thinking. Only in this way can we better protect the human rights of the accused in criminal proceedings.


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