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发布时间:2018-01-25 09:30

  本文关键词: 多元纠纷解决机制 行政调解 衔接机制 调解 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The number of social contradictions and disputes is positively related to the level of economic development, the faster the economic development, the more social contradictions. Therefore, in the past few decades, along with the sustained and rapid economic development of China at the same time. Social contradictions and disputes are also increasing year by year. Reflected in the number of court cases and the number of judges per capita, the number of cases are constantly increasing. China is facing a crisis of litigation explosion. The United States faced the same situation in the 1950s and 1960s, and the American society has put forward the idea of alternative dispute resolution in order to resolve this crisis. Domestic scholars also advocate the introduction of the practice of the United States, put forward a diversified dispute resolution mechanism. Administrative mediation as an important part of its mechanism, the judicial mediation is facing too much pressure. Under the background of the lack of professional nature of people's mediation, it should play a leading role in the pluralistic dispute resolution mechanism. Administrative mediation under the diversified dispute resolution mechanism should be chosen as the research topic. Has considerable theoretical and practical value. First, it can enrich the relevant theories of the administrative mediation system, especially the administrative mediation research theory based on the multi-dispute resolution mechanism. Second. In order to better study the administrative mediation system under the pluralistic dispute resolution mechanism, this paper is divided into four parts. The first part is the current situation of administrative mediation and diversified dispute resolution mechanism. This part has two main contents: one is to introduce the concept, characteristics and development of administrative mediation; On the other hand, it introduces the various components of the multiple dispute resolution mechanism: mediation, administrative dispute resolution mechanism and litigation. The second part is the relationship between administrative mediation and multiple dispute resolution mechanism. This part is mainly divided into three sections to study the first is to explore the relationship between administrative mediation and mediation mechanism. It mainly studies the relationship between administrative mediation and traditional and emerging mediation. The second is to explore the relationship between administrative mediation and administrative arbitration, reconsideration and other administrative dispute resolution mechanism; The third is to explore the relationship between administrative mediation and judicial proceedings. Clarify the relationship between administrative mediation and multi-dispute resolution mechanism. The third part is the re-positioning of administrative mediation. This part includes the advantages of the modulation system. The comparative advantage of administrative mediation and the significance of administrative mediation in promoting the transformation of government. The emphasis is on the comparative advantage of administrative mediation, which has the advantages of professionalism, comprehensiveness and authoritativeness. At the same time. Administrative mediation also plays a role as a buffer for the transformation of government functions and policy transmission. Part 4th is the institutional integration of administrative mediation. The first part of the content is that the four general principles of institutional integration are voluntary equality. The second is the basic method of system integration, mainly drawing lessons from foreign advanced administrative mediation system and summing up the experience of practice in various places. Third, the examination and relief of system integration. Fourth, the link mechanism of system integration, focusing on how to strengthen administrative mediation and mediation mechanism, administrative dispute resolution mechanism. Through the above measures, it can help to perfect the administrative mediation under the multi-element dispute resolution mechanism.


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