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发布时间:2018-01-25 17:38

  本文关键词: 协议离婚 探望权 直接申请 出处:《河南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在离婚率逐年上升的今天,探望权纠纷日益增加受到人们的关注,而婚姻登记机关在双方当事人协议离婚时对探望权的约定只进行形式审查,造成探望权的约定极易出现不明或不当的情况,为日后引发探望权纠纷埋下了隐患。同时离婚协议中关于探望权的约定未经确认并不具有法律执行力,不能依法申请强制执行,只能在诉讼中作为审判依据,这无疑浪费了部分行政和司法资源。我国解决探望权纠纷的方式只有诉讼,这不但使法院负担加重,而且令双方当事人承受巨大的心理压力,也不利于未成年子女的身心健康。如何从源头上控制探望权纠纷的发生,需要我们对协议离婚中探望权如何顺利实现的问题进行重新思考。 本文共分为四部分: 第一部分,,总结了我国协议离婚中探望权的立法现状、纠纷类型及实践现状。在我国协议离婚中探望权约定内容参差不齐,有不符合法律规定的,也有不符合现实情况的,登记机关也未起到实质审查和确认的作用而导致探望权约定混乱,不利于探望权的后期实现。探望权出现纠纷时,只期待法院解决。大量的探望权纠纷案件涌入法院,给法院造成了负担,而探望权长期性、反复性特点使执行情况并不乐观。 第二部分,介绍了域外协议离婚中探望权实现的程序模式。通过比较法的分析,可以发现域外协议离婚中探望权的实现主要有诉讼裁判、非讼解决纠纷、直接申请执行三种模式,并对这三种模式进行了逐一分析与探讨。 第三部分,从处理和解决纠纷的能力、收益与成本、当事人满意度及社会效果三个方面对三种模式进行比较分析,探究哪种模式更适合我国。 第四部分,根据我国实际情况建立符合我国国情的探望权直接申请执行模式。赋予登记机关对探望权的实质审查、确认职责及完善我国探望权实现程序的其他有效对策。包括规范协议离婚中探望权的约定、加强登记人员的业务素质、允许重复申请探望权执行等措施,进一步保障协议离婚中探望权的顺利实现。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, the divorce rate is increasing year by year, the dispute of visitation right is getting more and more attention, but the marriage registration authority only carries on the formal examination to the visitation right agreement when the two parties agree to divorce. The agreement of visitation right is easy to appear unclear or improper situation, which will cause the dispute of visitation right to be hidden in the future. At the same time, the agreement of visitation right in the divorce agreement is not legally enforceable without confirmation. Can not apply for compulsory execution according to law, can only be used as the basis of trial, which undoubtedly wasted part of administrative and judicial resources. The only way to solve the dispute of visitation rights in China is litigation, which not only makes the burden of the court heavier. And make both parties bear huge psychological pressure, also is not conducive to the physical and mental health of minor children. How to control the occurrence of visitation right disputes from the source. We need to reconsider how to smoothly realize visitation right in divorce by agreement. This paper is divided into four parts: The first part summarizes the legislative status of visitation rights in divorce by agreement, the types of disputes and the status quo of practice. There are also not in line with the reality, the registration authority has not played the role of substantive review and confirmation, resulting in confusion of the agreement of visitation rights, which is not conducive to the later realization of visitation rights. When there is a dispute over visitation rights. It only expects the court to resolve. A large number of cases of visitation right disputes pour into the court, which creates a burden to the court, but the visitation right is long-term, and the repeated characteristics make the implementation situation not optimistic. The second part introduces the procedure model of the realization of visitation right in the extraterritorial divorce. Through the analysis of comparative law, we can find that the realization of visitation right in the extraterritorial divorce mainly includes litigation judgment and non-litigation to resolve disputes. Direct application and implementation of three models, and the three models are analyzed and discussed one by one. In the third part, the author makes a comparative analysis of the three models from three aspects: the ability to deal with and resolve disputes, the benefits and costs, the satisfaction of the parties and the social effect, and explores which model is more suitable for our country. Part 4th, according to the actual situation of our country, establish the direct application mode of visitation right in accordance with the national conditions of our country, and endow the registration authority with the substantive examination of visitation right. Confirmation of duties and other effective measures to improve the procedures for realizing visitation rights in China, including standardizing the agreement of visitation rights in divorce by agreement, strengthening the professional quality of registrants, allowing repeated application for visitation rights to be carried out and so on. Further guarantee the smooth realization of visitation right in divorce by agreement.


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