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发布时间:2018-01-26 11:48

  本文关键词: 犯罪人员 信息公开 预防犯罪 社会治理 合法性 出处:《河北法学》2017年08期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Open the crime of sexual abuse of minors personal information is a new control measures in the practice of the procuratorial organs for the prevention of crime and the authority. For juvenile procuratorial work to a certain extent beyond the organization law of the procuratorate set < >, but by the requirements of procuratorial organs < Law on the protection of minors "and" crime prevention "and get a legal basis. In terms of specific measures, information disclosure based on" social management property crime prevention "with the administration, and can be divided into public name and other factual behavior and public photos and other legal acts, the former information for the verdict has been open and have the legitimacy of the latter, there is no clear the law basis, specific measures and the norms conflict validity defects. But the real effect of social governance of the legitimacy of the defects from the remodeling of regulatory measures, will be transformed into standard To make up for the three aspects of the procuratorial proposal and the strengthening of the due process equipment in the process of standard formulation.

【作者单位】: 浙江大学光华法学院;河北省临城县人民检察院;
【正文快照】: 2016年6月,浙江慈溪检察院牵头法院、公安、司法局,出台《性侵害未成年人犯罪人员信息公开实施办法》(下文简称《办法》),对符合条件的实施严重性侵害未成年人行为的犯罪人员,在其刑满释放后或者假释、缓刑期间,通过各单位门户网站、微信公众号、微博等渠道,公开其个人信息(包


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