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发布时间:2018-01-28 02:37

  本文关键词: 行政契约 和解契约 协商合意 相互让步 行政争议 出处:《江西社会科学》2017年08期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The newly revised Administrative Litigation Law formally brings the administrative contract into the scope of accepting the case, but it is still listed as the limited contract form. As an independent type of administrative contract and the complement of administrative action, the reconciliation contract is enforced by administrative law. Administrative relief and other fields have significant value and advantage and wide application space. Taking the benign reciprocity and balance of administrative power and civil rights as the basic axis, sort out the type system of reconciliation contract. It is of great significance to clarify the rules of its conclusion to promote the administration according to law. The application of reconciliation contract in administrative law should be linked to the settlement of administrative disputes and be connected with the participation of the public, autonomy of will and consensus of consultation. Adhere to the limitation of legal discretion, emphasize mutual compromise when the fact or legal relationship of administrative act is unclear, and construct procedural norms around fairness and justice.
【作者单位】: 同济大学法学院;
【正文快照】: 一、从行政契约到行政和解契约:围绕契约形态的考察2015年,新修订的《行政诉讼法》第12条受案范围增加了第11项的规定,正式确定了行政契约(亦称“行政协议”“行政合同”)的法律概念,至此学界若干年的理论争鸣通过立法的承认从而尘埃落定。诚然,行政契约的“入法”是鼓舞人心


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1 朱锡贤 孙彪;我国行政契约司法救济制度[N];人民法院报;2000年

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1 才凤敏;行政契约的行政诉讼证据问题研究[D];武汉大学;2005年




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