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发布时间:2018-01-28 03:16

  本文关键词: 迅速审判权 程序正义 基础 出处:《南京师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在刑事诉讼中,由于被追诉人法律地位的特殊性,其各方面的权利也受到了格外的关注。但由于社会法治文明发展过程中诸多因素的影响,被追诉人的实体权利较之程序性权利,受到了更多的保护,以为只要最终结果公正就是实现了正义,其实不然,处于动态过程中的程序正义亦是被追诉人权利得到保障的重要方面。如果极力追求实体正义,而不顾程序正义,实际上是阻碍实体正义实现的一道墙。而迅速审判权是程序正义中不可缺少的应有含义,它能将被追诉人毫不延迟地带到法官面前接受审判,减少捉摸不定给被追诉人带来的巨大心理压力,这不仅是法律正义程序的要求,也是符合诉讼经济效益理论的。随着许多国家宪法和国际人权公约将其确认为至高无上的权利之后,在我国必将掀起此项权利确认的高潮,为我国目前严重的超期羁押、诉讼拖延、司法不独立和资源浪费之瓶颈现状,开启一道崭新的大门。 本文共分为五个部分,拟在通过对刑事被追诉人迅速审判权的特点、渊源、确立的理论基础和价值分析以及在国外的适用情况,结合相关法律条文,填补我国在刑事司法中对迅速审判权等基础性权利的空白,纠正我国在实际适用法律过程中陷入的误区,更加准确、全面地保障被追诉人的权利,使程序正义能够真正发挥作用,只有其成为了“看得见的正义”,才能更好地体现实体的公正。 第一部分,介绍刑事被追诉人迅速审判权的概念、特点、渊源和价值,并阐述迅速审判权与程序正义的关系。 第二部分,以程序正义为切入点,分别从刑事被追诉人迅速审判权建立的法理基础、经济基础、心理基础、社会基础等方面详细论述此项权利研究的必要性和重要性。重点是对被追诉人心理的考察和杜绝司法腐败的关键性之探究。 第三部分,以美国和日本为例,对国外关于刑事被追诉人迅速审判权的适用情况进行梳理,并对其立法情况和救济途径情况进行比较与评价。 第四部分,介绍我国目前司法中由于尚未建立独立的刑事被追诉人迅速审判权导致严重程序正义缺失现象,阐述诸如超期羁押严重、诉讼期限规定不合理、程序倒流严重等混乱现状,指出我国对迅速审判权陷入的误区,以及分析导致此现状的根源。 第五部分,结合我国的国情,说明构建我国的刑事被追诉人迅速审判权的迫切性,提出完善此项权利体系构建的建议。
[Abstract]:In criminal proceedings, due to the particularity of the legal status of the accused, the rights in all aspects have also received special attention, but due to the impact of many factors in the process of the development of social legal civilization. The substantive rights of the accused are more protected than the procedural rights, thinking that as long as the final result of justice is to achieve justice, in fact, it is not. Procedural justice in the dynamic process is also an important aspect of the protection of the rights of the accused. If the pursuit of substantive justice, but not procedural justice. In fact, it is a wall that hinders the realization of substantive justice. And the right of speedy trial is the indispensable meaning of procedural justice, and it can bring the accused person to the judge without delay. It is not only the requirement of legal justice procedure to reduce the enormous psychological pressure brought by uncertainty to the accused. It is also in line with the theory of economic benefits of litigation. With the constitution of many countries and international human rights conventions will be recognized as the supreme right, in our country will set off a climax of the recognition of this right. It opens a new door for the bottleneck of our country's serious prolonged detention, delay of litigation, judicial independence and waste of resources. This article is divided into five parts, through the criminal prosecution of the rapid trial of the characteristics, sources, established theoretical basis and value analysis, as well as the application in foreign countries, combined with the relevant legal provisions. Fill in the blank of basic rights such as the right to a speedy trial in the criminal justice in our country, correct the misunderstanding that our country falls into in the process of practical application of the law, more accurately and comprehensively protect the rights of the accused. So that procedural justice can really play its role, only when it becomes "visible justice", can it better reflect the entity justice. The first part introduces the concept, characteristics, origin and value of the criminal prosecution's rapid trial right, and expounds the relationship between the rapid trial power and procedural justice. The second part, from the point of view of procedural justice, respectively from the criminal prosecution of the rapid trial of the establishment of the legal basis, economic basis, psychological basis. The necessity and importance of the research on this right are discussed in detail from the social basis and so on. The emphasis is on the investigation of the psychology of the accused and the key to the elimination of judicial corruption. In the third part, taking the United States and Japan as an example, the author sorts out the application of the criminal prosecution's prompt jurisdiction abroad, and compares and evaluates its legislative situation and relief channels. Part 4th introduces the absence of serious procedural justice due to the absence of independent criminal prosecution's rapid trial power in our country's current judicial system, such as serious extended detention and unreasonable time limit. This paper points out the misunderstanding of the rapid trial power in our country, and analyzes the causes of the present situation. Part 5th, combined with the national conditions of our country, explains the urgency of constructing the criminal prosecution's prompt trial power in our country, and puts forward some suggestions to perfect the system of this right.


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3 徐益初;刑事诉讼与人权保障[J];法学研究;1996年02期

4 汪海燕;;论刑事程序倒流[J];法学研究;2008年05期

5 冯喜恒;;美国联邦法律中的迅速审判权[J];环球法律评论;2011年03期

6 童建明;;正确理解与适用新刑事诉讼法提升检察工作能力的几个问题[J];中国刑事法杂志;2012年04期

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2 王弘宁;美国被追诉人刑事法律权利保护研究[D];吉林大学;2012年

3 陈海锋;刑事审查起诉程序正当性完善研究[D];华东政法大学;2013年




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