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发布时间:2018-01-29 23:58

  本文关键词: 案卷移送制度 起诉书一本主义 法官预断 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:After the revision of the Criminal procedure Law in 2012, the transfer system of public prosecution files, which has been in operation for 16 years, was revised to "full volume transfer", and the full volume transfer of 1979 was resumed. Some scholars believe that this is the retrogression of the transfer system of the public prosecution file in China, judges' judgment, trial formalization and a series of problems can not be avoided. The author does not agree with this view. The operation of indictment monism has its specific litigation environment, which is closely related to the litigation culture of Anglo-American law system. Moreover, the operation of indictment monism can not be separated from the unique and specific judicial system of Anglo-American law system. The author thinks that the revision of the criminal procedure law on the transfer system of case file in 2012 is not a retrogression. It is not the simple restoration of the transfer of the whole volume in 1979, which is considered from the aspects of the concept of litigation, the way of trial and the current situation of judicial resources in our country. This is the choice that our criminal procedure law has made after more than 30 years of development, which is suitable for the current judicial situation of our country. Considering all aspects synthetically, our country is not suitable to apply indictment monism. It is undeniable that. China's current full volume transfer system still needs to be improved. It is necessary for us to comb the case transfer system in an all-round way, on the one hand, by learning from the experience of the operation of the extraterritorial file system. On the other hand, it comprehensively considers the legislative process of the transfer system of our country's case file, in order to put forward effective opinions on perfecting the transfer system of the current public prosecution file on the basis of the theory. The author summarizes the transfer system of the case file. Focus on the concept, types and causes of file transfer system to explore the relevant issues of the transfer system. Through the transfer system of foreign public prosecution file transfer system is compared. This paper analyzes and introduces the operation process of the system of transferring foreign files in detail, and summarizes the enlightenment of this system to the operation of the transfer system of public prosecution files in China. In order to generalize the beneficial experience of constructing the whole transfer system of our country further, this paper mainly introduces the legislative course of the transfer system of public prosecution file in detail. First of all, a detailed analysis of the transfer system of public prosecution file in 1979. The operational status of 1996 and 2012; Secondly, this paper summarizes a series of problems that need to be clear in the legislative process of the transfer system of public prosecution files in China, such as detailed analysis of the current transfer system of public prosecution files is not a retrogression. Our country is not suitable for running indictment monism, judges' prejudgment does not necessarily lead to unfair trial and so on. Through the detailed introduction of the current transfer system of public prosecution file in our country. Finally, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to solve the problems in the system of full volume transfer in our country.


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