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发布时间:2018-01-30 02:22

  本文关键词: 民事执行检察监督 民事执行程序 民事执行行为 检察建议 调查核实权 出处:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the perfection of the revised civil procedure law, the procuratorial supervision system of civil execution has been preliminarily established in our country. One of the characteristics of the procuratorial supervision system of civil execution in our country is that the practice is strong and the court is "difficult to execute". The problem of "execution disorder" has spawned various useful explorations of civil execution procuratorial supervision, and on this basis has formed some important conceptual consensus and supervision methods, along with the deepening of the practice of civil execution procuratorial supervision in China. The premise of constructing a scientific procuratorial supervision system of civil execution is to distinguish the nature and characteristics of one of the supervised objects, namely, the nature and characteristics of the civil execution implementation behavior, and to clarify the law. Under the current legislative framework, the procuratorial suggestion supervision mode has more supervisory functions, aiming at the characteristics of different supervisory objects. Flexible application of prosecutorial recommendations in order to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of supervision; To the procuratorial organ civil investigation verification right to make the corresponding restriction norm, fully exerts the investigation verification supervision safeguard function. By rearranging the legal relationship of civil execution procuratorial supervision, perfecting the function of procuratorial suggestion and normalizing the exercise of investigation and verification power, improving the effect of civil execution procuratorial supervision. To establish the authority of procuratorial supervision of civil execution, to further solve the problem of "difficult execution" and "disorder of execution".


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