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发布时间:2018-01-30 03:25

  本文关键词: 不可替代行为 间接强制执行 执行措施 执行方法 间接强制执行原则 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:不可替代行为是指与行为义务人特定的身份、技能、学识、经验或者某种资格、地位密切相关的,只能由债务人自己完成的,不得由第三人代为履行的行为义务。不可替代行为与可替代行为的最大区别就在于不可替代行为具有极强的人身依附性,与债务人的人身属性联系紧密。不可替代行为间接强制执行是指执行机关依据执行依据,在债务人拒不履行其应为第三人不能代为的行为时,采用间接执行的方法,强制债务人履行其行为义务,满足债权人的债权的执行方法。不可替代行为间接强制执行具有以下几个方面的特征:(1)执行方法上以间接执行为主;(2)执行措施具有很强的心理强制性;(3)执行措施具有很强的人身强制性。 当前,判决一定的行为作为救济手段的案件越来越多,对行为判决的执行常常会引起人们的困惑,特别是不可替代行为的执行,还存在很大的争议。我国现有的法律规定和司法解释对这方面的规定也还很不完善,略显单薄,还有诸多的疏漏和不足,很难切实保障权利人的合法权益。我国关于不可替代行为间接强制执行的执行措施主要包括罚款、拘留、迟延履行金、限制出境、在征信系统记录、通过媒体公布不履行义务信息、对被执行人处以刑罚处罚等。虽然种类较多,但是却不成体系,难以具备针对性和可操作性。我国关于不可替代行为间接强制执行的法律规定和执行程序还面临诸多的问题,主要包括执行措施缺乏可操作性、警示性与威慑性,执行程序缺乏系统性和相应的程序保障,没有明确的选择执行措施的标准,立法规范也缺乏体系性。 大陆法系国家和地区如德国、法国、日本及我国台湾地区针对不可替代行为间接强制执行都有相关的规定,从执行的开始到执行的终结,乃至执行终结之后维护权利的稳定都做出了明确而具有实效性的规定,并严格规定了不可替代行为间接强制执行程序中的程序保障制度和救济制度。英美法系国家如美国、英国对该方面也有相关的详细规定并且重视藐视法庭程序和执行令状制度。以上的一些规定和相关程序可以给我国不可替代行为间接强制执行的完善提供良好的借鉴。 不可替代行为间接强制执行制度的建立是一个系统性的工程,,单纯的从执行措施的改进和完善等方面出发,虽然能够改进此类案件执行之现状,但是不能够从根本上解决不可替代行为类案件执行中所存在的问题。不可替代行为间接强制执行的各个制度相辅相成,每一种制度的作用都离不开其他制度的支持与保障。人权保障是总体性要求,制度设计是具体的实施程序,执行人员观念的转变是有力支撑,执行措施的完善为不可替代行为间接强制执行提供了手段和措施,程序保障制度和救济程序更是为不可替代行为间接强制执行提供了权力保障和救济保障。各个制度缺一不可,相辅相成,协调统一,形成一个系统性的工程;只有各个制度相互促进,共同发展,不可替代行为间接强制执行制度才能够发挥最大的作用。
[Abstract]:Irreplaceable behavior refers to the specific obligations of the identity and behavior, skills, knowledge, experience or qualifications, status is closely related, can only be done by the debtor himself, not by the third person to fulfill the obligations of behavior can not be replaced. The difference between the behavior and the alternative behavior is irreplaceable behavior with a strong personal attachment, close contact with the personal property of the debtor. Irreplaceable behavior of indirect enforcement refers to the executive authority according to execution basis, the debtor refuses to perform its should be third people can not to act, by using the method of indirect compulsory execution, the debtor to fulfill its duties, meet the execution method of creditor's rights. The irreplaceable behavior of indirect enforcement has the following characteristics: (1) the execution in the method of indirect enforcement; (2) the implementation of measures has very strong psychological compulsion Sex; (3) the implementation measures have a strong personal compulsion.
At present, the decision behavior as the case relief means more and more, the behavior of the execution of the judgment often causes confusion, especially irreplaceable behavior, is still controversial. Our existing legal provisions and judicial interpretation of the provisions is still not perfect, a bit thin and there are many omissions and deficiencies, it is difficult to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of people. Our country about the irreplaceable behavior of indirect enforcement enforcement measures including fines, detention, delay the performance of gold, restricting the exit, the credit system records, published by the media does not fulfill the obligation of information, Pizhixingren impose punishment punishment. Though there are many kinds, but not into the system, it is difficult to have pertinence and maneuverability. Of our country law enforcement behavior instead of indirect and execution of the program is facing many questions The main problems include lack of operability, alertness and deterrence, lack of systematic procedures and corresponding procedural safeguards. There is no clear criteria for selection of enforcement measures, and legislative norms are also lacking in system.
Civil law countries and regions such as Germany, France, Japan and China's Taiwan region for the irreplaceable behavior of indirect enforcement has the relevant provisions from the beginning to the end of the execution execution, execution and maintenance after the end of the rights of stability have made provisions clear and effective, and strict regulations do not alternative behavior of indirect enforcement procedures in the insurance system and relief system. Common law countries such as the United States, the UK also has detailed provisions related and the importance of contempt of court procedure and execution system. Some of the provisions of the above and related procedures can provide a good reference for our country can not improve the substitution behavior indirectly executive.
Irreplaceable behavior of indirect enforcement system is a systematic project, from a simple implementation of measures to improve and perfect aspects, although such cases can improve the implementation of the status quo, but can not fundamentally solve the irreplaceable existing problems in execution of behavior in such cases can not be complementary each. The system of alternative indirect enforcement, support and guarantee each system function all cannot do without the other system. The protection of human rights is the overall requirements, system design is the specific implementation procedures, change the executive concept is a strong support, improve the implementation of measures for irreplaceable behavior provide a means of indirect enforcement procedures and measures, security system and the relief procedure is irreplaceable behavior to enforce indirectly provides power protection and relief protection. The system are indispensable and complementary We should form a systematic project through coordination and unification. Only when every system promotes each other and develops together, the indirect enforcement system of irreplaceable behavior can play the biggest role.



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