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发布时间:2018-01-31 03:43

  本文关键词: 内幕交易 民事赔偿诉讼 适格原告 出处:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This paper mainly researches on the qualifications of the parties in the civil compensation lawsuit of insider trading. In the world, the existing anti insider trading legal system usually adopt criminal, administrative and civil three means, and traditionally more emphasis on them. Because of the formation of this situation, the traditional theory and the theory is very difficult to complete the causality of civil liability of insider trading and the relationship between the argument. This problem so far has not been solved properly, the result is not for insider trading civil litigation for legitimate parties to provide more convincing theoretical support, the traditional theory and doctrine so either to circumvent this problem by law directly, or to deny the civil relief extreme. Theory and the traditional theory that insider trading is similar to the false statement, is a violation of the principle of open market exchange, insider trading A violation of the insider trading behavior of investors is equal rights. However, the insider information holder for insider information control is generally not prohibited by law, it is impossible to enjoy normal investors for the insider information of the equal right to know. So, the theory and the traditional theory of the right to know from the protection to prove a causal relationship between insider trading and economic losses to investors, from the beginning of the final decision will not be determined results. Based on this understanding, through the comparative study of foreign countries and regions in the legal practice, analysis of the existing relevant laws and regulations, some cases summed up in the practice of trial, the absorption and reference reasonable composition, finally puts forward the determination of transaction in the civil compensation lawsuit of the plaintiff's method is feasible. Based on the clear inside The object of infringement for insider trading on equity basis even bargain investors, to clarify the causal relationship between the civil liability for insider trading. The analysis shows that to define insider trading civil compensation lawsuit plaintiff, should also work hard in the private interest litigation mode and litigation mode two modes. In the private interest litigation, insider trading Fang Yi as the counterparty plaintiff. Only the current technical conditions, to temporarily "earlier traders" instead, specifically by the judge on the case of the actual judgment and provide adequate reasons. In the mode of public interest litigation, by law to "investment service center" and other appropriate social groups filed the plaintiff qualification of insider trading the public interest litigation, legal supervision of the China Commission last bit of plaintiff qualification and grant, and the protection of the right of legal supervision of procuratorial organs on the pocket bottom The plaintiff qualification of public interest litigation.



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